Visual bug for days after doing a delve. Please help

Hello! I need help please. I did a delve several days ago and now I have this glowy thing stuck to my back. It has been on there for about 5 to 6 days now. I put in a ticket and a DM said go on the forums. Thanks. My husband suggested going into an Arena Skirmish- that didn’t work either. No one else can see it but me while in the game. How do I get rid of it? I’m not sure which delve it was from (or it could be from a quest?). All of a sudden I noticed it there and it won’t go away. Any tips and tricks would be great thanks!

Try dying and seeing if that gets rid of it. Maybe see if there is a buff/debuff you can click off?

It might be on Blizzard’s end and they have to fix it.

Might have to try putting in another ticket because they did not fix your issue.

Maybe post in the bug forums? Even posting in the general forums?

Thank you for your reply! A GM did actually reply with a real response and it was a quest “Charging up the Mountain” from the campaign that I didn’t finish. I finished the quest and it’s gone now! YAY! So it was really all my fault for farming for things instead of just doing the campaign lol

Glad you got it sorted out. :slight_smile: