Delve into where nightmares dwell in Ny’alotha, the Waking City, set in the Void-shrouded heart of the ancient Black Empire. Confront mad heralds and inscrutable horrors, and ultimately go eye-to-eyes with N’Zoth himself in a fateful battle for Azeroth’s survival.
Wrathion is not actually defeated. Many people did not notice yet, but the boss fight version of Wrathion is an illusion cast by a Faceless One. When Wrathion is defeated, the purple sky dispels to reveal the interior of Ny’alotha and the corpse of Wrathion appears to be a defeated powerful Faceless One.
Can we get an official blue post about reward structure for ‘heroic week’ Jan 21st, will mythic+ rewards be ilvl capped like previous tiers have been until ‘mythic week’ Jan 28th?