Vision of Perfection - Guardian

Any good? Just picked it up. Thinking maybe its minor once i open that slot up? Neck is only 51 atm.

It gives you access to incarnation as a major, even if you don’t take the talent, but it’s no where near as good as Lucid dreams as your major.

Currently using null barrier as major. ><

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It’s really situational at best.

The major itself is absolutely underwhelming, particularly since its passive and Incarn can proc when you least need it. The haste at Rank 3 is small and really isn’t worth the major slot when there are so many better options.

The minor is ultimately what makes the essence situational as it depends if you truly need double up-time on Survival Instincts and if the content you’re doing makes taking SotF the best option over Earthwarden or GoE paired with your personal playstyle.

Personally, I don’t think Guardian druids should be gearing defensively like the guides tend to suggest. There are only a handful of bears that are doing mythic progression or high M+ keys and therefore you’re going to typically benefit better by gearing offensively which completely negates VoP entirely as proper usage of Ironfur, Rage, and Frenzied Regeneration will work just fine.

Vision of Perfection’s major is bad because Incarnation is bad, this expansion.

Unlike other cooldowns like Warriors’ Avatar or Paladins’ Avenging Wrath, Incarnation is not a flat DPS increase. It just removes our cooldowns on Thrash & Mangle. That was good during Legion, when Thrash & Mangle were powerful abilities (Thrash, DD + DoT, was half our DPS by itself). But Thrash & Mangle got hit HARD by the nerf bat this expansion, so auto-attacks (or sometimes Moonfire) are our highest damage now, and Incarnation doesn’t do anything to improve either of those.

Your go-to essences should be Null Barrier and Lucid Dreams (for defense) or Null Barrier and Crucible of Flame (for offense).

Assuming you have Rank 3 of Null Barrier, of course, which is when it starts doing damage. Null Barrier was my top DPS ability on Heroic Azshara, for example.

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Only rank 1 atm, not enough rep yet. Started her back up a week ago and about the only thing i do is the daily WQ. Dont like the mecha dailies.

I agree VoP is bad; however I don’t necessarily believe Incarn is as bad as people make it out to be if you can actually maximize the ROI with its usage. By making very large pulls every 3 minutes, you can actually do way more damage with it than you could going with the traditional GG build for M+ at least over the duration of the dungeon as a whole. For some dungeons, Incarn is just out right bad because you can’t really maximize using it on CD while for others you most certainly can.