Vision of Perfection (BFA Essence) should return as a Paladin Talent

I dont disagree with you but the way blizzard design classes since legion is aorund big cds and the consistent damage that tier sets offers in SL are nothing but reseting randomly cds of cds or randomly applying big burst cds.
And conduits reducing their cd.


I like that people have different ideas on what is fun for ret, and I don’t in any way mean to squash the fact that you seem to like VoP (I’ve seen you mention it here and elsewhere) but I wanted to add my perspective:

VoP was responsible for dps swings that were unacceptable to me. I really didn’t like it and I don’t want it back at all. IIRC at times I had dps swings greater than 20k+ on Inquisitor.

I would like to see talents or builds that are consistent, controllable, and therefore able to be mastered and representative of the time we put in to the spec.

Maybe there’s a way to do that with random procs but when the random proc is our AW, just
idk, I can’t see it.

If they do bring it back however, I won’t gripe, I’ll roll with the punches as I always have. Here’s hoping these new talent trees will allow for multiple performance builds and multiple fun builds, eh?

Edit: Poor wording, structure.


No kidding! When I put together my idea Holy talents, I built them so that melee holy builds and casting holy builds were possible; that’s the kind of meaningful choice I hope Blizzard puts in their trees. Of course, in my case, the whole melee-vs-casting thing was a framework I used to decide where to put talents: if it helps with the melee playstyle, it’d be on the left-hand side of my tree, and if it helps with the casting playstyle, it’d be on the right-hand side of my tree.

I’m guessing a setup for Ret that allowed for either VoP or something that provided AW CDR based on Holy Power spend would be something much simpler; maybe both of those would be on the same octagonal pick-one-of-these-two talents.

Would that be a good idea? Would an octagonal talent in Ret’s DF talent tree that had Vision of Perfection on one half, and on the other half
say, Fanaticism, a recycled talent name from WotLK, repurposed into a passive that reduces Avenging Wrath’s cooldown based on holy power spent, be a good idea?


Actually I think VOP should be a Class Talent. It was REALLY good for Holy when you ran Santified Wrath. Much more fun than Awakening.


I wish I could say what is or is not a good idea with supreme confidence, but I think if we are talking about output equivalence? I suppose that would always be largely reliant on encounter design.

I like the idea though! I’m also hoping that, in the spirit of the Holy builds you mentioned, maybe ret can also have the ability to get more of that mid-range identity back if the player desires. In a world where we have less mobility than we did when we had more ranged capabilities, I know I would appreciate a mid range Ret build.

We’ll see. For now I’m cautiously optimistic as always.


Yes I loved it in BFA, but if they could do something so it wasn’t based on RNG and more controlled, I would def get behind that.

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We don’t need another expansion where our gameplay revolves around RNG, it’s not good when the only way you can increase your DPS is to get lucky instead of being good.


Agreed. I hated progging in Nya’lotha and the difference between a rank 100 parse and a low purple is based on how lucky I got with VoP procs.


 except that is ALREADY the case for Holy with Awakening
 and it is not nearly as fun as Vision of Perfection.

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Glad others remember the annoyance of that ;_;

I know there’s more to life than parses, but it was just


Our 4 tier set is a proc

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yes its a proc that procs a high dam generator. that is different to 5 second cd proc. congrats you have wings but the pack is dead. while most of the time if tier procs, you have ashes for next pack


Just wish wake of ashes was a holy dmg spell

Its a proc, but you can sit on it and use it when you need it unlike VoP.
Also, current 2 and 4set procs way more often and consistently than VoP ever did.

Do you know what Radiant Damage is?
it is both Holy and Fire school of magic, which is boosted by our Mastery.

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Radiant damage is holy & fire. It scales with our mastery.