Visage - Blizzard, please

You have people in this community who seriously defer to the Warcraft cosmology when Blizzard itself has retconned it repeatedly.

Lightforged Draenei Warlocks!?
Manari Shamans and Priest!?

Isn’t it ironic how they gatekeep when Blizzard themselves have always followed the “rule of cool”?

Cool, then let us keep that imagination contained.

Okay Asmon

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Mate, I’m the opposite of asmongold. Dude is the one, like you, who just wants everything to open because magic

He cares very little about lore, that roach.

Nah, Asmon is literally the gatekeeper of gatekeepers.

Thanks - reported!

Dude is a gatekeeper in the racist way. Not the class magic way

Imagine protecting asmongold.

Projection much?

Calling someone a “roach” in a very incendiary tone is cause for concern. I didn’t know that recognizing that represented being supportive of someone.

Maybe take a class in deductive reasoning. It’s a 3rd grade topic.

Whatever, pal. Hate me as much as you want that you actually want to report me for calling a racist streamer a roach. One that literally had roaches crawl all over him during gaming

This thread already got derailed because of you.

Except it’s not really about options. What you want to make optional is essential to the concept.

Once dragon form becomes optional, abilities that require dragon form become optional. Then eventually we start having abilities that once required a dragon form changed to no longer be dragon based. You gave an example of exactly this with having Disintegrate go from a breath attack based on Malygos to being a beam created by a staff. Before you know it, we start allowing non-Dracthyr races to be Evokers and they get an entirely new and different origin point, probably free of the dragon lore completely.

Congratulations. You’ve now created Mage 2.0 that can do everything a Mage can do along with a healing spec.

So no, this isn’t about options. This is about the erosion of the very concept, design, and thematic of the Evoker class.

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You’re foul and the truth couldn’t be any farther from you.

You brought a streamer into this, got called out on making incendiary comments and then doubled down on the subject.

You derailed from the start and are now shifting blame. I look forward to your absence.

I didn’t bring up nothing. Someone called me asmon, which I took offense to. I stated why I wasn’t like that racist roach of a hermit king and you went off, and still going off.

Now keep your foulness to yourself, thank you and goodbye.

Cilly was the one who brought him up, not I.

Dude is a mega troll. Don’t know why he keeps posting seeing how I see him in other threads stating how much they hate the game.

In general discussion, everyone already goes “another paris thread, nothing of value is here”.

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