Violet Hold (Legion) Millificent Manastorm Bugged

Hello, just got out of a group that we all collectively decided to disband due to a bug with the boss “Millificent Manastorm” in the Legion version of Violet Hold (Normal) on retail. We got her health to zero, however after the dialogue, she regained all of her health and then we weren’t able to do any damage to her (evades, immune, etc) while we were all still stuck in combat and unable to progress. Not sure if this is a well-known bug or a recent one but thought I’d report it anyway.

…Or maybe she just decided Revendreth simply wasn’t worth it.


Just ran into the same exact issue. ended up leaving as well.

I just ran into the same issue. Please fix this bug.

same issue, solo

Kind of a work-around for this bug, so long as you don’t need loot from Millificent:

Use your Dalaran hearthstone to get out of the instance if Millificent bugs, then quickly fly back over to Violet Hold and re-enter. She should have despawned when you hearthed (without dropping any loot, unfortunately), and the next wave of trash should spawn, allowing you to continue the dungeon.

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Just ran into this issue while trying to do a legion leveling dungeon. We all disbanded after Millificent healed to full when she should have died and just stood there evading.

Just had this issue now. Hearthed out and ran in, Milli was gone and Millhouse was walking towards the entrance
Edit: if it matters, I had both the Purple Pain quest and the ‘find Lyndras’ quest when i went in.

This bug definitely still exists


Bumping because this is still an issue after all this time

This is still happening. I read on reddit that we may be killing her too quickly for all the rp stuff to take place. =\

Bumping still an issue confirmed today

Still a problem.

Continues to be an issue

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had this today. It seems depending on your class or race if you drop combat. vanish or shadowmeld it will compete the encounter and you can loot the little box on the stairs and carry on this will probably only work if doing the encounter solo though.