Vindicta Adventum -- Recruiting for Shadowlands CE raid team


Reason the guild was formed
I joined a guild on Azgalor to raid with RL friends in a guild. Needless to say, it was not a good guild, mostly because it was ran by a large group of friends who actively alienated the rest of the guild unless you were in the group. After logging in one day, I found I was kicked overnight, without a warning of anything or reasoning to why. Thankfully that happened because it has allowed me to form this guild. This will be a adult guild. So consider that before you get easily offended by others. I’ve been mythic raiding since it was patched in SoO and plan to continue doing it for awhile so why not do it right?

Everyone will be equal in this guild

But what do I mean? Everyone’s voice is valuable, equally. Everyone’s time is valuable, equally. This is the stance this guild will take because we are all people. You don’t know who is on the other side of the screen. There will be times we ask for silence or minimal talking but that does not change anything. We all need each other to accomplish our shared goals.

Raid Times

This will be a late night raiding guild. As a 2nd shifter, that is the time frame of raider/player we will be looking for but all are welcome. The amount of days/ what days/ what times will be openly discussed once a strong core has been formed to finish building around. Ideally, I would like 3 nights but may end up at 2.

Our Goal

Our goal is simple. First and foremost, Cutting Edge every raid. There is no debate with this. We will be pushing mythic progression often. This means tense discord talks, nights of pure wipes, frustration, and more importantly, the feeling of success after finally getting that boss killed and eventually seeing that achievement pop up. If you cant take that, our raid will not be for you.

I have so much more I could talk about this guild but if you are interested in what you read so far and this guild sounds like a place you’d like to settle in and progress with, then feel free to send me an in-game mail to Swishaman or add my btag Swish#1912.

Hope to talk to you soon =)