Villains That Went Nowhere

Strongly agree. Also, yeah maybe Zaetar looking at them and going “EW EW EW EW! WHAT IN ELUNES NAME IS THAT?!” probably is less than ideal for their cultural consciousness.


I mean we literally do this all the time even after dealing with the big universe destroying threat.

Like after Legion we killed Harlen Sweete. I am certain we killed a Lich or two in Shadowlands. As for Bandit Lord, Brackenhide Hollow had a Gnoll Warband.


I demand NPC’s screaming lore at us at the speed of mythic player progression.

Thats so true, he was just so wasted, but never had a chance at actually making people care, mainly because “he is not ragnaros and ppl love ragnaros” but well, if they really had wanted people to care, they just had to make him have an actual cool design and not a reused one…

From start to finish they never really cared about this character which is silly considering they wanted to have him replace Ragnaros.

Hopefully Il’gynoth’s Whispers don’t go no where. Considering the Green Eyed Harranir we have yet to see their Race’s treachery(which if the Puzzlebox of Yogg-Saron is correct will force us to retreat to the Black Forest).

I really enjoyed Fyrakk as a “screw nuance I just want to set things on fire” villain, we hadn’t had that in a while


Zaetar and Inarius, two people who looked upon their children and went “EWWWWWWWWWWW kill it with fire!”

Shame heroes of the storm is a dead game from a development point of view. Imagine if Zaetar and Inarius were added… both of them bonding over their regrets when it came to their respective choice of mate and what came from it. Poor Rathma, he deserved better.


Diablo is basically built on this premise… even if the writers don’t realize it.


Its genuinely wild how active HOTS still is even in its dead state.

I hope they do go nowhere, because they were bad from the start, i HATE these whispers.

Because in case you were not “sharp” enough to know this : these whispers were in reality never meant to go in any precise directions because, their purpose was to make you PLAYERS theories and make up lore for the devs FOR FREE.

Are you genuenly tinking that the whispers of the puzzle box that were made more than 10y ago were aimed to get an answer now? HA dont be so delusional.

We should really give up on all the Void and Old Gods related whispers, because really, we are smarter than this.

Yeah…then 10.2 happenned and he was like “ho i could kill you right now…but i wont becuse…reasons”

I am very mad at this because Azshara was in developpement for the game and it was the character i waited the most…

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Not to say he didn’t go anywhere because I think his story was told but upon reflecting it’s odd to me a now thrice resurrected Arugal wasn’t the antagonist for the Reclamation of Gilneas questline.

We started SL with Scourge champions being resurrected so there’s your justification for his return. He’d provide a shared threat the Forsaken could assist with. And it’d’ve been way more relevant as he screwed the pooch that turned Gilneas into pooches.

Granted it was really fun slaughtering crusaders alongside werewolves. Like seriously I got paired with a worgen fury warrior while playing it on Shadow spec and that was so cool Rob Zombie’s Dragula plays over my memory of it.

But that would’ve been a nice throwback.


really? i couldnt find a game myself.
not sure why it flopped compared to other moba it seems fun

Because Blizzard refused to give money

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It (HotS) wasn’t successful enough to get papa’s attention with Hearthstone, Overwatch, WoW printing money.

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Play ARAM or quick match, nobody does competitive anymore.