Villains That Went Nowhere

The only thing Azshara fanboys fear is Blizzard remembering her.


Sadly true, unfortunately many of the villains in WoW died too quickly or forced to be a villain by Blizzard’s poor choices.

But the main problem with Villains is that Blizzard can’t make a good villain without ending WoW. The good villains they had; Arthas, Archimonde, Kel’thuzad, Guldan. They all turn to loot piñata.

A good villain is the one that we, as the Heroes, have to overcome the greatness and forbearing the villain. Artha, for example, was a reflection “us” in the lore. prince wanted to be the hero of his people, and his fall from grace. The theme in WOTLK was that we were following his footsteps into Northrend, nearly would of fell in the same deathtrap as he did. But we overcome with intervention.

I loved the WOTLK and it should have ended with legion against Sargeras. But sadly, the game was dragged on and did harm to the lore and story.

She was a highlight in BFA. I thought it was great how instead of like Lor’Themar telling you to take on the world quests you had her inviting you to fight her champions because watching peasants slap eachother was amusing to her.

I do hope she survives these shenanigans and hangs around to be a, say it with me now, reoccuring villain.

She’s a sorceress queen with legions of subnautical snakemen which in quite a few other settings could make her queen villain of meanie mountain. But in Azeroth she’s not even front page news.

I hope her and her slitherers stick around to menace us whenever we need a dose of enemy variety.


I really want her as a neutral leader. Someone that the Horde and Alliance keep in check, and vice-versa.

I would like to see the Lords of the Emerald Flame come back as well, especially their leader who the Sentinels assassinated, Xalan I think. It would be interesting to see the Satyr of old having actually been a lot like the Highborne, just all the worst aspects, given it’s who they were.

The Druids of the Pack would be fun because you could actually have a story about Goldrinn himself having come more into balance recently and that struggle.

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I’d say Cho’Gall if I’m being honest 

He had such a huge lore story & further potential 
 and yet the way that we axed him out the story felt so 
 Underwhelming? :face_exhaling: Honestly, Cho’Gall deserved better.

I’d love to see Cho’Gall pull off a Kel’Thuzad and be all:

  • “Surpriiiiise!! :v: Still alive homies, had to fake my own death then fake the death of the old gods — I mean uh 
 Do stuff.”

Speaking of old gods 

I feel other characters / villains that went no-where or had their potential severely wasted was the old gods.

  • N’Zoth: had ideally more success from within his prison than he did outside of it — Additionally, him going to “The one place he can be destroyed!” – immediately after just kind of seemed stupid from both a narrative perspective and a strategic one, many people were unhappy with the way he was handled.
  • C’Thun: If I recall correctly from WoW comics with C’Thun, it was shown that despite defeating them, they still had the potential to be revived.
  • Yogg’Saron: As for our big boi Yogg’Saron, he seemed truly like a tremendous old god – Second only to Y’shaarj and having to be imprisoned in the grand titan city itself — After he was “defeated” it was depicted was still very much alive but merely bonked back into his prison like a whack-a-mole.

Aside to mention that Ny’Alotha seemed to be depicted as a realm of the void & eldrich gods altogether — Not simply bound to N’Zoth alone, as it was later shown 
 But :open_hands: Perhaps Ny’Alotha exists between them, each holding their own remnant zone of it and we merely saw a single nation of Ny’alotha and not the full kingdom? :thinking:

Anyway yeah, I’d love to see more of Cho’Gall and Yogg’Saron personally :dracthyr_nod: They were great! :partying_face:

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To be honest, and as an “Azshara big fangirl” i can answer to this :

Her arc in bfa was awesome, because it granted her a better future, what i mean by this is : With N’zoth, she was never going to grow and become what she was supposed to be, which is ;: her own master. In war of the ancients she was her own thing.

Her betraying N’zoth and even going away with it was just the best outcome for her and she deserved that as she was million times more interesting than the talking squide.

Now, i am at same time afraid and cant wait to see her again, because, her bfa arc even if it was great, put her in a crossroads and from that crossroads, they can either make her be an interesting character that would be somewhat neutral, or a dumb villain like arthas in woltk.

Have you done Siren Isle? Because they do remember her. And they are doing great for now.


They were so much more interesting than the DF Centaur.

I think this is why a lot of races get meaningless development in the story too. Their lore and whats important to them is relegated to largely just their lands: Dwarves with Khaz Modan, Night Elves and Tauren to Kalimdor, etc. It has been 14 years since there were any meaningful updates beyond
 well, blowing up a zone and wrecking half of another lmao. The places that actually matter and interest us and have connections are a decade forgotten.

So we end up with theme park areas where a bunch of different scattered ideas they want to make offshoots of all are randomly just thrown onto the table.

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You mean the centaur that came out of nowhere and even contradicted the very lore of their race to even exist?

The Kalimdor centaur were two dimensional evil bad guys and probably the least interesting of the two groups.

At least the Maruuk centaur had personality and felt like they had an actual culture. But that’s just my opinion on it anyway

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Problem with their culture is that it was highly copy pasted from Highmountain taurens and orcs, at a lvl of even stealing their lore.

Even thought i agree on the fact that they are more deep than the Kalimdor ones (which is not hard really)

I think Harpies (if we want to talk about bestiary races) are more interesting, and even have potential of being good.


The harpies are Avianas children, so yeah, I agree that there is an avenue to redeem them and make them defenders of Azeroth or something along those lines

They have the bones of an interesting culture imo and it was interesting to see, in stuff like Traveler, how they interact in neutral spots with Tauren and Quillboar. Their history itself can be an interesting story and despite Zaetar being murdered by them, his spirit still wanted Desolace restored. Also the fact that their story in Cata was forcing them to come together, take back a new land to server as a neutral ground for them in Shok’Thokar, and called themselves the “Sons of Cenarion” in a new kind of unity, which itself feels like a new kind of future for them that could reflect Desolace itself slowly becoming green like ancient Mashan’she.

You have a few things there that i do not believe the Maruuk really do. A consistent origin (prior to Chronicles there was material dating the union back much further to ancient Kalimdor but it was vague and they had clearly settled into the 1,000 yearish range on the timeline for chronicles well) that connects them really strongly to their homeland and the setting. Earth Elementals, nature spirits and a bloodline leading back to Cenarius, etc. You have a lot more overt interactions with a main race like the Tauren, though overwhelmingly negative which serves what they are in most of the zones: rivals for scarce resources with the Horde, the same motivation that makes the Quillboar aggro too. I’d actually say that the Maruuk largely are just the same ideas as the Kalimdor Centaur iterated on and given more importance in the context of their space because they were the focus of 1 of the 4 zones, while Centaur are a threat in one region of one of the 2 continents that was being made, then updated, in Cata.

The idea similarity is strong. Clan identity and culture (Vanilla struggles with this in general tbf just look at Tauren, but it is still there that they had some minor differences in values just not explored a ton with one tribes belief in strength above all and others spirituality), ancestral spirits in sacred sights like the 5 Khans in Maraudon, outcast necromancers living in a grave.

Imo, the Kalimdor Centaur are just underdeveloped but have the bones to be way more interesting and involved in the world than the Maruuk Centaur. The Maruuk’s centaur origin doesn’t even make sense internally because “we thought the other clans were weak in the war of the ancients so we, like strong guys, ran away from the war and came to this island” lmao. Their story also seems to imply the isles were physically connected to Ancient Kalimdor when they clearly were not, so it feels like they didn’t even really try that hard, and one has to wonder why Ohn’ara was never sought out by the green dragons to guide them home if she is simultaneously in Highmountain and in the Dragon Isles.

But it comes down to me, that the Maruuk were allotted comparatively way more time in development and significance because they are the focus of 1 of 4 zones compared to the Centaur who only get explored in xpacs that are way more development intensive and split.


Yes, its what they were in the times prior the war of the ancients, they even fought the Legion.

I hope one day blizz remember that, and make us see good harpies that went back in their old ways of being Aviana childrens.

In DF there is a side quest that hint at it.


Yes. That’s exactly what I mean. And unfortunately they get a pass from this by most people because their society is matriarchal or something I guess.

Strongly disagree, they felt incredibly one dimensional to me. The Kalimdor centaur’s origin felt very real, it reminded me a lot of greek mythology. I think if they wanted to do something progressive, a better way to do that would have been to ask, “Why is Theradras and Zaetar having children such an abominable thing?” because that’s never explained, it’s just implicit. Also retconning the centaur to have killed Zaetar in self defense rather than murdering him.

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Thing is they made the centaur a chaotic evil genocidal mongrel bastard race.

Then decided they weren’t without much explanation. I suspect this is because the Centaur were based on the Mongols which I actually think is clever seeing as they conquered the world on horseback. But I think their iffy depiction is what spurred a reworking, even if it didn’t make much sense.

But there’s still like rugs made of them in Mulgore.


I also couldn’t shake this feeling tbh. Like, randomly inserted bird wild god drawn out of the hat and mostly just ideas copied from the Kalimdor Centaur given more effort by the writers because they arent also having to write stories at the same time for the rest of Kalimdor and EK. Frankly even the DF Tuskarr felt pretty 1d and memey compared to their wotlk counterparts to me despite the design space being less cluttered.

The Kalimdor Centaur were in a cool space to change as a culture in a new day where the scarcity of resources that made them what they were. Likely more than any innate nature, and it’s not a hard sell to say that they were just a lot like the Quillboar and driven to ‘savagery’ because that was the way of central Kalimdor. People weren’t really in mulgore even until recent history when Thrall helped the Bloodhoof get there, the rest of their shared lands are DESOLATE desolace, and the barren Barrens lol.

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Shaman players helped him become the new Firelord in Legion and then in Dragonflight he’s suddenly evil with no explanation and he shows up for a single boss fight then dies.


Not to mention that the Dark Iron recruitment chain stated that Smolderon was MIA. Which allowed the cult of Ragnaros an opportunity to try and bring back their namesake.