This right there, that is probably the most amazing head piece out there and its not only locked to the cloth slot, its also not usable for transmog.
With 10.5 right around the corner, I think its about time to turn this sweet thing into a cosmetic item and make it available for transmogging.
Edit: For reference, here is a link to the item:
Edit #2: Would make sense to add it to the cosmetic transmog now with February and the Love is in the Air event coming right after 10.5 release. Give people another reason to farm it.
Hell, its about time.
Bump for visibility.
Also, with the new PTR notes and the (potential) option for year-round holiday xmogs, the Vile Fumigator’s Mask would be the last headpiece to not be available with transmogging.
If you ask people ingame or check the wowhead comments, everyone is desperately waiting to get this item unlocked for transmog.
Please blizzard, listen to us on this, do us this favour, turn this item into a cosmetic and unlock it for transmogging.
That would be a great mog. I’m also quite fond of the Worgen Top hat you get early on in the quest chain.
The Worgen Top Hat (Lord Walden’s Top Hat) will be transmoggable come 10.5 (better go make a Worgen now and play through the starting area :P).
I’m scared that they will overlook / ignore the Vile Fumigator’s Mask yet again, and if it doesnt happen in this patch I have little hope it will ever happen. >_<
Please Blizzard, make it happen, give us the mog!
p.S.: If you are interested in Top Hat’s for non cloth-users, there is also the High Society Top Hat you can often find on the AH, that will be moggable with 10.5 for everyone.
Last bump for visibility, I fear they will overlook / ignore this item yet again.
Gonna just do a weekly bump at this point, they gotta allow transmog of this item one day…
OMG yes, I have a few saved on a few character’s waiting for the day they make it a transmog. It would be one of thest ever!
Bump up for being sad of still not having this as transmog.
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We are in 10.05, the big patch all about appearances and transmogging, yet we’re still here, begging, to have this amazing and incredibly unique item turned into a transmog option. Please, blizzard, make it happen.
Edit: Or make a similiar item available in the trading post, that would work aswell.
Look the mask is great but i have some one handed fish i had a great transmog planned for. I want my fish transmog. My rogue should be beating people to death with fish right now.
I agree with you 100%. There is a huge list of items that cannot be used for transmog cause they are missing either a weapon or armor tag.
Got a Darkmoon Sword, a Argent Tournament Lance and a Twilight Lance that I cannot mog cause they do not have a weapon tag.
Seconded; Please turn this into an actual cosmetic label not just cloth v_v
It just got confirmed, that the Vile Fumigator’s Mask will be transmoggable come 10.07.
Thank you everyone for showing support <3
It’s missing the cosmetic label ;w; I can’t transmog it on my druids

Its remaining a cloth item, so will only be available to cloth users.
And its happening in the next patch, which wS not released yet, 10.07.
Not good enough IMO. Make it cosmetic label so all armor types can use it.
if they’re gonna make it transmoggable after the event, but keep it restricted to the cloth slot (WHY) the least they could do is make it bind on account… I just looted it on my hunter after all these years.
It doesnt even look like cloth, just make it cosmetic wtf.
Lol just started a thread about this . Glad im not the only one. I would just take the mask tbh
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Hopefully they make it an TP item in the future, i would be good with just the mask too tbh. I didnt like the look of the giant vials on your back. Hopefully they break up the mog and make it 2 parts like the rosy cape item currently in the TP.
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