Vigor Potion

Knowing these forums I have to just start out by saying… I need to Git Good and I’m a noob and I’m trash and theres no excuse for me failing… but here it is…

Even with the new glyphs I always seem to be out of vigor.

Sitting on the ground waiting for them to all fill up is really really a bad feeling.

They should give alchemists a Vigor Potion they can create that instantly fills all vigor bars.

You must be grounded to use it.

You get a 1 hour debuff so you can only use one once per hour and of course, like any potion, they are consumable.

Before you rip into me for being terribad, I already admitted that. Thanks.


For what it does, and how long the cool down is, it kinda feels like a pointless addition.

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To be honest, this isn’t a bad idea. It would hurt nobody. It would be handy in those rare or not so rare occurrences that you run out of vigor.

In each expansion they have potions that are next to useless, giving miniscule buffs or abilities on a long cooldown. This one might actually be useful. I’d even just say put it on a normal 5min cooldown.

And before I get told to “Git gud”, I almost never run out of vigor. Even when mining and herbing. I could probably keep flying indefinitely.


they should increase the amount of vigor regen you get from “Dragonrider’s Hunt” 10% for 3 seconds sucks


The 10.0.7 glyphs have zero net benefit for vigor gain. An ability to slow your drake down, and an extra talent to gain 1 vigor for that… is not worth losing thrill of the skies, at least in terms of maintaining vigor.

The 10.1 dragonriding talents, however, adds “ground skimming” which rewards vigor every 30 seconds (20 with both talents) for flying “near the ground” whatever that means. That will be a net gain for vigor generation.


Are you only charging in air BEFORE you land?
and taking off with two vigor, not waiting for full recharge?
Always charge in the air. Its 1/3 of the time. Even if you have to circle a time or two

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We have like 20 potions for other stuff. We should be able to inject our dragons and give them a little boost! lol


No, I always always try and keep Thrill of the skies up while im in the air.

I think I am angling my camera wrong and pitching my nose too abruptly or something because when I try and ascend I feel like Im hitting a strong head wind.

I have been doing better but still, trying to climb those steep mountains and having to land mid way up and wait and wait and wait for it to regen on the ground sucks.

Especially when I know everyone else is up in that tall tower kiling that dragon rare.

Id just like the option to pop an emergency potion once an hour to not miss out on a rare because I have bad luck with vigor.

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I like this idea actually, I find myself watching YouTube while waiting for it to fill up when I do run out.

You can even sell it in AH.


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Pulling back to be vertical or near vertical gives you a bit more directional travel and starts thrill of the skies during the tail end of the second skyward ascent, doing this means you fully recharge a vigor after the 3rd and only really need to have 3 vigor to climb anything realistic in the dragon isles.

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One thing that may help is always make sure to be nose to the sky when using skyward ascent, and level off and slightly down before the end of the second flap, that will get you a great deal more height then just using the ability.

And in case it may help, heres a video example of getting to the tallest mountain from a very low point with only one vigor that another forum poster had posted:

Thats awesome. Thanks for showing me this.

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Instead of a potion, a flask that lasts one hour in outdoor zones. It increases vigor recharge by 25% when you’re mounted on a dragon riding mount for the duration.

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I think a vigor potion would be awesome for gathering. Even with the vigor renewing buff after gathering an herb or mine, repeatedly killing your momentum in quick succession at low elevation is tough to recover from. Having this type of potion would reduce the amount of time I just have to sit around waiting to recover vigor and add more choice / complexity to give depth to gameplay.

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