Vigilant Guardian unstable cores not clickable

Heroic Vigilant Guardian, the Unstable Cores that you need to run show a gear icon but 90% of the time the players cannot pick them up.

This was not an issue last week. Today’s changes to this encounter seems to have broken it.


Same issue on Normal and Heroic. We have a team of people trying to click on it. It can’t be picked up half the time.

My raid team also had this problem in both normal and heroic. Tried to get everyone in the raid to click on it, nothing happened. We managed to get through just by chance; one raid member made it his job to just sit there and spam click the orb and eventually they’d pick up after 30+ seconds but it wasn’t reliable at all. We managed to get a lucky pull where eventually somebody could pick up all three orbs after a ton of spam clicking on them.

Has anyone figured the solve for this? We turned off UI add ons, I’ve been told resetting ID doesn’t work. We can usually get someone to click it for the first and second, but we’ve wiped when the core hits 100% energy because no one was able to pick it up fast enough.

Not working for us either - the entire raid had to all cycle through to keep trying until someone got it…all three times…and due to delays it wiped us (Heroic)

Any word from blizzard on a fix? Its still happening.

Is it possible a player has somehow altered the files on the WoW server in an act of hostile subterfuge? i.e. Agent Smith in the Matrix? Asking for a friend.

same issue, last night in normal, and tonight in heroic, only 1 person can click

I’m pretty sure our dumb demon hunter broke the whole dungeon. He tried to grab the orb once and it was bugged af the rest of the night. Please ban his character kthnx

So March 17th…anyone know if this is fixed yet because it’s been crickets from Blizz

Looks like there’s a fix for this in the latest patch notes.


I guess it will be fixed on server reset because we still has issues with the orbs tonight on heroic.

Same issue for us last night. We continued to experience issues in being able to pick up the orbs, after the hot-fix. Had people spam clicking it, but they were only able to pick up the orb seconds before we wiped to the AOE.

This is still not fixed.

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My guild had same issue for normal, worked fine in heroic.
On normal we were able to pick up a couple of orbs after spam clicking, third one wasn’t working at all and wiped us.

I hope that this small indie company can find some funding to fix this bug.

Don’t think it’s bugged. Guild did heroic/normal just fine.

We just did normal VG and it still bugged. Not as bad as last week but orbs still took multiple clicks to pick them up.

The group I ran with last night wiped twice on normal because nobody was able to pick up any orbs despite multiple attempts. The third pull worked, however. We assigned one person to focus on it on the third attempt, so I’m not sure if more than one person tries to pick it up at once it bugs out? I can’t say for sure what caused it to work once after not working twice.

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Unable to click as of tonight, Heroic difficulty.

Mythic vigilant, cores cannot be clicked