[Video] Warlock's Shadow Rift Spell, another Broken Spell besides Mage's Pink Ice Cream Spell

Destro maybe. Affliction only had the legendary slow going for them and that was taken away. Demo is a train wreck. I have a Lock on TBC and a lock on retail and it’s insane how far the class has fallen. Sure locks are OP in TBC, but currently, they have a fraction of the power they had back then. Rot classes get the shaft when we have this high burst meta.

Probably the best spec. Definitely not op. Maybe not even A tier. Easily B tier. Not everything is A tier though. Especially in BG’s.

While I agree it’s kinda clunky and nowhere near as fun as mop when it was my main but it’s actually pretty good right now. Less on demand burst but still very high burst, very tanky and lots of cc. There’s a few people playing them at a high level.

Again not op. Probably better in arenas than BG’s thanks to pet getting cleaved too easily. Still good though.

Probably the weakest spec. Maybe the only one I could agree needing buffs.

I assure you this wasn’t the only time they were op :joy: there were plenty of seasons, including ALL of BFA.

I think this is the problem with many specs these days. We have specs that perform fine, but they are overshadowed by these huge bursty specs. These specs don’t need a buff, the others need to be brought down to a reasonable level.

Affliction is just a huge letdown now. And I personally believe it’s because of the introduction of MR. Blizz heeps trying to force all classes into this “All damage builds to big burst damage window” and it’s annoying. Not every class needs to perform the same way! We are really taking away the uniqueness of classes. Lose MR and give all DoTs a flat rate buff.

I always wanted a warlock and finally did it in BFA. Leveling was a breeze and I loved playing it ever since. Very happy with my classic warlock as well.

Lol… sure show me the last time warlocks were meta on PVP…

2 specs are ok and 1 spec is laughable. So I stand by what I said.

Right now the game is definitely burst favored. Heavily. Balance and op classes come and go all the time though. Like enhance is op af for the first half of season 1 of BFA. Then they gutted for the rest of the expansion. Legit anything at anytime.

Agreed. Homogeny is boring.

After they destroyed demo in wod I have been rage induced and refused lol… Seriously my favorite spec at any point of the game was mop demo. Pretty sad. Been leveling my demo right now. See if I can suffer through the grind.

I mean last season cloud 9 had an insane win % on Destro/frost mage? All of BFA where the ladder just infested with them? Double Destro wasn’t uncommon.

They’ve been meta far more often than they’ve been non meta honestly.

Same same… at least with Warlock portal you see an animation/have some warning ahead of time. I’ve been getting better and better at quickly side-stepping out of it once I see the shadowy animation begin.

If an Ice Wall suddenly gets dropped between you and your healer(s), gg :joy:

On my mage I was able to prevent the Alliance from ever taking a flag. Put up wall while druid grabs it. By the time the wall is down our mid team is cleaving the crap out of them. Druid comes back and I throw up another ice wall, rinse and repeat. Between our defense and ice wall we made sure their mid team never got close to the flag.

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Just move out of the big circle…

and arcanosphere isnt OP at all… 4 sec cast time, doesnt go off if interrupted. if anything its just fine.

Alliance can port you inside the bossroom wall on ioc.

Set port into a knockback

port flag caps locks the new ninja

Are you playing in RBGs against a Druid rooting you? Also while getting slappy hands’d by 2 DKs with frost wyrm up?
You can’t just “move out of it.”

Shadow Rift blows and is broken AF.

See my previous reply.

If we nerfed every ability when everyone’s abilities line up perfectly for great combos then we would just go around auto attacking. To me this just sounds like great team coordination and I doubt it’s happening every game.


Every class should have “something” that’s “broken” in a situational way. (Ice Wall, the Frost Mage’s new ability, also has some OP uses, for example.)

Shadow Rift, yes is broken on “some” maps, but only with a semi-experienced warlock with the right comp (ie, class for knockbacks).

But on other maps, like Temple of Kotmogu, I cannot see how it differs from any other “gripping” ability.

Where you been? SS vs TM is up

Been keeping an eye on the BG charts but haven’t seen you yet :cry:

Best spell in the game so far that does NO damage, if you learn to strafe left/right, then yeah… Backpedaling/keyboard turning doesn’t help you get out of the path of it…

I actually find it less annoying than death grip and infinitely better than spear.

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