[Video] Tip's Out on Layering

It’s actually continent layers. So EK and Kal are separate. But they are also separate instances as it is now too

Only fix for layering is to have people chose which layer they want to log into after they select the server. And dont let them switch during play and lock them to that layer at least for a day unless the queue is too long for the layer then let them chose some other.


That way if I want to wait 3 hours in queue to join Asmon Layer then I can. People can’t just hop between layers and server won’t randomly move people to layers. You only play with people on your layer, it’s isolate from other layers, until the big merge comes.

All this automated moving of people between layers is immersion breaking and introduces lot of exploits.


I would not say a day. Part of the advantage of layering is that you can play with friends in another layer. The lock does need to be significant enough to limit abuse, but also still allow people to play with there friends consistently.

So he gets into at about 14 minutes in. He shoots down merging static layers and offers three objections. 2 are easy to deal with. The third is subjective and is a big issue if we are talking about merging layers several months/years into a servers cycle (but we aren’t)

  1. Economy (solution link the AH between the layers on one server)

  2. Names (solution share names across one server)

  3. Community merger (becomes a huge problem if you merge months into the life of a server but Blizzard wants to consolidate layers early in the game cycle before phase 1).


I became skeptical when he had skarm on talking about prot warriors duel wielding bosses in naxx.

I’m less against static layers than no-layering, but I do think there’s a good justification for variable layers. Basically, the faster you can remove layers the better, so if we have 3 static layers with 500 players each, we’ve gone too long with Layering.

That’s why I still feel like one of the Layer Hopping restrictions should be entering a Rested Zone in order to avoid being able to jump directly to where you want to be.

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His suggestions at the end I agree with. 1-2 weeks max. Only in starter zones if possible. I think those would be reasonable compromises.

Agree - for less crowded servers, it would make sense to merge the static layers sooner than on very populated servers.

I think it was a decent video, i didn’t expect to see him address layering as an issue at all at first because he praised this approach so much last time i saw him.

I’m surprised though that he checked out the forums, but he still used an alternative solution example from way back in november, when we’ve been here trying to come up with better alternatives in the meantime.

Given all the down and upsides of both, i genuinely think this is a much better deal: (neither are perfect, remember, but really what’s preferable and more like Classic? up to you):

From my understanding, and that in no way means my remembrance is right, the layers will all share the same AH and you will not be able to have the name of anyone on the same server no matter what layer they are on.

So now that I’ve been through the entire video I’ve got several problems with it.

  1. His statement about games living and dying by server stability. This is a load of garbage. A lot of games fail now because theyre mediocre copies of other games. If a game is good enough, people will suffer through bad servers to play the game. The statement he made about this is pure ignorance.

  2. Overspawning is not equatable to the other 2 and has nothing to do with layering/sharding/server merges/login que. The two do not solve the same problems and was pointless to even list.

  3. He demonizes server merges and makes them look worse than they are. Firstly he says “When servers merge, who gets to keep what name?” Yet fails to understand that if all versions of that server share a database of names then the issue simply never exists.

In addition he uses an example of server merging as “two cultures clashing” and references stories about issues with it. This is an incredibly insulting and underhanded way of discrediting the idea since the stories hes referring to reference communities that have had lengthy time to develop. Following the same system as layering and merging after 2 weeks would not allow this to occur.

The only downside is auction house fluctuations and I strongly suspect that complaint to be overblown. Better 2 weeks of 4 servers and mixing numerous connessuers vs having a few people dominate the market by exploiting layering.

Lastly, the suggestions he provides have already been given in some form or another. He is essentially just regurgitating information he’s heard and decided to repeat regardless of whether or not it’s bad information.

At the end of the day, half this video is a recap and the other is poorly constructed opinion and misinformation.

Ultimately layering is going to be in the game because blizzard wills it, not because its a good idea.


I COMPLETELY share this opinion!


This is correct. They’re preparing the virtual realms for smooth seamless merging, within a few weeks. But that’s because they’re not merging layers, they’re collapsing layers. The same restrictions would have to apply if layers were locked.


Yes, collapsing is the better word for it. Thanks.

No problems. It’s Blizzard’s word for it, though. No credit to me.

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The only difference between what Blizzard is proposing and this plan, is that until the layers collapse, you are playing with and against the same pool of people. Your only link to the other layers is the AH.

Everything else would be the same.

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I honestly don’t think it’s going to be much of an issue.

It’s obviously clear and present on the Beta but I think we need to keep in mind that what we are seeing is a tiny fraction of the actual player base come launch.

The fact that layering will be based on population means that come launch you will be “layer hopping” to essentially avoid competition into another equally full layer from the one you just left.

The way it’s set up you can’t just layer hop onto a dead layer because in theory it just would not exist.

While resources is one reason, another has to do with the affects on community with layering. The ability to avoid PvP or use it as a pseudo-stealth with a friend. There are many unique ways layer hopping can be abused. So limiting it is a solution that should be implemented.


I get the benefits, but the “grouping with friends” part may be more detrimental, especially if they don’t choose the same layers.

That’s why I still think the mixing and reforming is still better. You just have to make intentionally changing layers far more of a hassle, and not easily exploitable.


Why would you watch a video of some guy that has never even play vanilla? Yet spews vomit all over the place about things that are wrong. I mean of all the stuff he’s talking about layering is actually fine, since its new. However, the rest of classic and referencing anything to vanilla he’s completely clueless.