[Video] Stealth/Subterfuge Bug

The stealth bugs have been around forever, but the subterfuge bug (which might have been around before) is relatively new or more noticeable and an unintended consequence of having six seconds of subterfuge.


This is old and it doesnt have anything to do with the new 6 second subterfuge. You couldnt stealth when subterfuge was a max of 3 seconds either. And its been a problem all expansion because when subterfuge is active, you cant stealth. Which is the worse because of all the times you’re knocked out of stealth. You use to have to wait 3 seconds and now we will need to wait 6 seconds.

They not only want stealth to constantly break by not fixing it, but they want us to stay out of stealth even longer when knocked out (by invisible auras/range on abilities) by adding a 6 second subterfuge that EVERY rogue will take for the second vanish.


Yes. I mention this in the video. It just wouldn’t have been noticeable before because stealth cooldown is 2 seconds and the subterfuge was 3 seconds. Now if this bug happens to you it is VERY noticeable.

I said exactly that in the video. :roll_eyes:

All i can say is the stealth breaking and being out of stealth more in TWW just puts a bigger damper on sub, and sucks for the class as a whole. Either get use to the bugs that wont get fixed or check another class probably.

Yeah i wasnt gonna watch a 10 minute video, went to the comments :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :dracthyr_love_animated:

That is cool and understandable.

This is all I had issue with because I explicitly stated that this could be a bug that has been around for awhile but is only becoming more noticeable because of the six seconds.

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You can make marco
/cancel subterfuge
/cast stealth
When you get knock out of stealth accidentally.


Good idea, thanks.

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Good luck using that one though lol. Cant cancel subterfuge or this wouldnt be a problem

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Ok My Bad. I just test today. Its not Subterfuge problem. You cant cancel it either. The problem is take 6s out of combat to restealth if you get knock out of stealth accidentally.

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Subterfuge should not even be activated if you come out of stealth when you are out of combat. That is the problem with what is happening here and it seems to be rare. You can usually just restealth after the two seconds wait even if you get knocked out of stealth by a bug. It is a separate bug with subterfuge. :frowning:

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While that is a downside with subterfuge you can use that to your advantage.

Keep in mind classes have DoTs to pull Rogues out of stealth and even more noticeable with vanish immunity reduction.

So Subterfuge allows you to do a quick sap/cheap shot stun even if pulled out.

Take the good with the bad.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but I don’t take the second Vanish nor do I take Subterfuge. I’m also Assassination and don’t need it due to other talents in the Assassination class tree that effectively do that for me.

So… cheers?

Apparently this problem has been going on for over a month and no response or correction has been given, correct?

Is there anything we can do to get their attention to fix this problem?
Practically this is the mechanic that makes the class what it is, without it the class doesn’t work.

Extremely frustrating for rogue players.


And druids, for the general stealth bug. It’s been happening for much longer than a month and it has gotten much much worse with TWW. :frowning:


Found this on reddit.

Edit: Please go post on the bug report to get some attention from Blizzard. We really need this fixed before the season starts. Confirmed abilities breaking Stealth in PvP - #2 by Jo-moon-guard

---- Update - Formatted List ----
Confirmed Bugged:

  1. Warlock - Malevolence - 100 yard range AoE stealth break ignoring line of sight.
  2. Warlock - Any shard spenders (Hellcaller hero talent) - 100 yard range AoE stealth break ignoring line of sight. Basically spammable.
  3. Paladin - Divine Resonance (Divine Toll) - Automatic Judgment knocks you out of stealth even while not visible. It appears the range check is what breaks you out of stealth, no hammer is ever thrown at you. Range is limited to 30 yards and line of sight, but knocks you out of stealth regardless of what direction the Paladin is facing.
  4. Frost Mage Splinterstorm - Frost Splinter / Embedded Frost Splinter hit stealthed targets within 20 yards of the mage casting.

Not Bugged:

  1. Monk - Keg Smash - Knocks you out if you’re in range of the target that is hit - roughly 8-10 yards.
  2. Warlock - Shared Fate - Damage pulse will knock you out if you are in range of the target being hit - roughly 10 yards.
  3. Ice Lance AoE / Living Bomb from Frostfire Empowerment

If anyone has more skills they think are bugged let me know and I’ll find people to test it with.

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not sure if this is new or just more noticeable with 6s subterfuge, but it’s no longer a cancel-able aura. /cancelaura subterfuge used to be standard since subterfuge+dance has consistently been one of the buggiest pairings in the game.

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If that was a thing, it hasnt been a thing all of dragonflight and pretty sure shadowlands. its noticeable to all of you because you’re realizing that 6 seconds is a LONG time to be knocked out from random bugs, when you literally cannot stealth back because of the 6 second subterfuge.

And now stealth problems are coming to light so much more finally because people just cant stealth and they are seeing how long you’re out of stealth for and what problems its bringing.

zugzug classes are much much more fun when you dont have to worry about the whole game trying to keep you from using your core mechanics and you can keep up with damage, cc’s and defensives these days

yea i looked into it a bit more and it looks like it stopped being cancel-able towards the mid/end of shadowlands. I guess it’s just more noticeable now at 6 seconds.

you can restealth with subterfuge active. The issue in the video is he’s sharing the keybind with a stealth keybind (2).