[Video] GAMEBREAKING BG BLITZ BUG - Three Enemy Healers

Oof. This is why BG Blitz isn’t fully rated yet. :wink:


Post to Twitter @WarcraftDevs and bug report forum.
Telling all the knuckleheads won’t get it fixed. It will probably give them ideas on how to exploit the bug :rofl:

Doesn’t look like your team had enough damage to pressure two healers let alone 3. Swapping out 1 healer for that mm would have just been worse

That being said the bug does need to be fixed. I’ve seen people leave games thinking we only have 7 when we actually have 8 they just don’t show up properly

I’m trying to get it out in multiple ways.

I’ve been in SSMs where the team that had more damage and more kills still lost. It was actually a fairly close match on objectives until the end. Of course, the main problem was a bear sitting top with a rogue most of the match, while the three healers rotated lava and mid.

Our tank was a prot warrior. Sigh.

Yes, it can be really easy to miss when that happens. End scoreboard here shows that the enemy team had seven players, but they actually had eight.

On a related note, does Blizzard know people aren’t showing up on the scoreboard (and addons)?

That seems kinda important.


It’s been reposted and tagged @ some devs also talking about how it messes up the scoreboard as well.

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Blizz won’t be able to fix this so they will just remove the battleground :joy::joy:

Outstanding catch. Quick question, do you record all your games, or just certain ones? If so, does the recording software not impact your system? The frames looked good.

No noticeable impact. I use Nvidia Shadowplay to record. I record all games, then watch and decide what to keep and what to send to the recycle bin.