[VIDEO] Comparing the SKILL in WoW PvP to other games

Hey guys,

I am super proud to have worked on this video. Takes a look at an interesting topic: does WoW PvP take skill? I think the skillset required in WoW is super intricate and you really have to take a step back to fully appreciate it.

In any case, hope y’all can have some entertainment if anything. Likes, comments, shares always appreciated. :relaxed:


Before watching:

You can’t compare WoW skill to another game. They all require different mindsets & awareness.

Post Watch: Pretty solid. But saying you need to memorize countless comps & patterns isn’t necessarily true. Patterns aren’t static between players.
Also glad you pointed out that you can’t always be a zug player and sometimes need to understand when a game needs to go 10-15 mins.
Would’ve also used a lot more SC2 references when going over Aggression vs Defensive. It’s pretty straight forward for people to understand how the same strategy can fail in the same circumstances.
And thank you for pointing out that people don’t understand what skill means in this game. I despise people who think that’s a static topic and that “you just have to do x” to be a super insane player.

Overall, 9/10. Well done & thought out.

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Anyone want to chime in on what that plastic antenna looking thing is on Cdew’s head around the 42 second mark? (If it’s some sort of medical apparatus, I’m not trying to poke fun, genuinely curious)

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Hey! Really looking forward to watching this video but currently using mobile data and won’t be on stable wifi for a few days. Just wondering do you compare wow to playing DN? And do you have a rough timestamp?


Haha yeah DEEZ NUTS


I can’t watch this right now as I am at work but I was just having this conversation with someone the other day, how I felt skill in wow was very very different from skill in other games….

I think a big reason why “bad” players are bad isn’t that they don’t know what to do, or that they can’t learn. I think it’s more attributed to bad habits. You start doing arena and you’ll most likely do arena with other new and possibly “bad” players, meaning you won’t form the proper habits. I think a lot of skill in wow comes from forming the proper strategies for a situation and making them into habits.

But I could be totally wrong, I will be sure to watch this video when I get off work.

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nice to see skillcapped is still putting out good content even though the game isn’t putting out good content


Actually enjoyed the video I think you hit the nail on the head about offensive/defensive bias and just sent it despite it being instantly controversial.

I would say this is more relatable to tournaments especially when you have never fought another team before and are trying to figure out their cascade of gameplay options sequentially or perhaps if you are just seeking to identify what their optimal win condition is vs your comp/team. Generally, if I’m not mistaken, a few EU teams are known to wargame each other so often that determining a pattern almost becomes second nature due to repetitive exposure. So this might be what the vid was explaining when mentioning the need to memorize countless comps & patterns.

This eventually makes it extremely feasible for one team to counter-act on a team that they’ve played vs multiple times before since the play strat is derived from acclimation rather than intensely studying various options opponent teams have available, as a result allowing teams to take a slight gamble on their gameplay strats.

Random thought of the day, but I’ve never understood this expression. Why would you want to hit a nail with your head?

I hate you


Nah, tournaments are an entirely different basket to deal with.

RMP is the simplest way to assess patterns. I can use my matchup as an example. WWPD vs RMP right now. RMP can win in 3-4 kidneys just putting every one off DR into the WW, but you have some who have 0 brain and mindlessly tunnel my spri all game. Others that open me, force trinket karma hten run at my druid all game. Others who just run at my druid all game. Some who go Spri then me, then back Spri, Then druid. It’s all inconsistency, it’s why they’re BAD.

Tournament level stuff is different due to how you can’t be playing the same way every game, because if you do, it’s exploitable. ESPECIALLY with juke patterns. Patterns aren’t static because people are just bad lmao. They don’t do the right thing and it shows how bad they are.

Is it not just a piece of confetti that landed on his head?