Howdy, I am Aig, one of the RL’s for the Vidar raid team of Valhalla. We were an aotc focused raid team, who achieved it every tier since our beginning’s in s3 of SL. Are new Aim is to raid Mythic up to the first wall boss; the reason for this is 2 fold; one it keeps people engaged more and for longer, and 2ndly stopping at the first wall boss helps ensure we dont burn our raiders out. A lot of us are ex high mythic raiders, some CE but thats not the majority of us. Most of us dads and or those with hectic RL’s so we dont want this to be another chore in our lives, but a fun, slightly more challenging activity.
We are relaxed and like to have a lot of banter in between pulls/bosses, but we do require a minimum standard of performance so we can keep meeting our aims each tier and having fun whilst doing so.
We raid Wed/Mon 8:30-10:30pm AEST (server time)
Recruitment desires last edited:- 22/01/25
Vidar is currently recruiting:-
1x Healer (non-pally/sham)
Look forward to raiding and m+ing with you all in TWW
Contact info
BNET:- Aig#1930
Discord:- Aigilas
or just comment below