I’m definitely NOT among those raging about Genn’s abdication of the throne to Tess. I think that’s a good thing, and that part of the scenario was handled well. What I am unhappy with is nearly everything else.
The city itself was simply made available to us as is, with no improvements other than a few new vendors. It would really have been a nice touch if at least a few of the buildings had been refurbished to include some RP-worthy interiors, much like those found in Boralus. Greymane Manor is the only place truly worthy for use as such…because is already was.
The mog set is just…bleh. Ridiculous, pretentious…in a word, clownish.
Finally, Blizzard missed the opportunity to give us the appearance options that Worgen players have been requesting for well over a decade. Ignoring these yet again was the worst part.
The deeply partisan arguments on the forums are faaaaar more entertaining than actually doing the content. I know that is a low bar, but wow. So many spirited opinions!
Why not though! Stormwind and Orgimhammer are old/stale. If they really wanted to revitalize interest in Worgen instead of disincentivizing it, that was the way to go.
Isn’t it good policy to revitalize interest in the old races from time to time. Give race loyalists them something to be excited about? And alternative perspectives for their alts?
Not in this case, it was just…exceedingly underwhelming content for a patch. Brew’s complaint of phone game blah blah blah wasn’t entirely off the mark. Even as a full time blizzard apologist, you could admit from time to time that opportunities were missed. There will always be missed opportunities. You might come off as more legitimate that way.
Here’s the thing. I don’t like the Gilneas storyline either. I thought it lacked substance and the rewards were awful. However when you have to resort to ‘Oh ho, what’s this, touched a nerve’ instead of sound logic and reasoning. Your argument failed. It’s a troll move meant to antagonize and deviate someone from their point. You are no longer trying to make a point. You’re trying to anger.
Glad I could clear this up for you. Have a great day.