I’ve been playing Vengeance and kind of hated Havoc until I saw the changes to Exergy and Inertia. However I still hate EB.
I saw that Jedith mentioned in a video that there are no-EB builds, but I cannot find any reference to talent tree examples. Can someone explain to me the non-EB build for M+?
ask the felhammer discord or wait till wowhead updates
its viable but actively kinda int tbh but you do you
Think you can take GT instead of EssB and it still does well. EssB is going to have a higher ceiling but GT is viable
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How is this possible when with AR, you get 6 blade dance swipes after a CS. Those are buffed by 80% no?
Personally I like glaive tempest but always seems to fail in mythic+ as the tank moves everything out of it.
I can’t stand essence break. I’ll try simming tomorrow GT.
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