Veteran player LF raiding guild/communtiy


My backstory is that of so many others. I’ve played wow since Vanilla. I started raiding in BC and haven’t stopped. I’ve played every class and most specs and I am well-versed in most aspects of the game. I’ve raided at the highest level, including realm firsts back in Cataclysm with close friends whom have all quit the game.

I’m almost 30, with two kids, so while I do have enough time to gear, raid, farm mats etc, it is not as much as I used to have. That being said, I value that time. I want to spend that time with people who want to spend it with me. I’m fun, sarcastic, focused and outgoing. I am looking to find a guild and/or community that shares in those. I am looking for a raiding guild, preferably a 2-day but open to discussion on 3-day raiding guilds. I have no preference for days, but the times I can raid are 7pm - Midnight CST for Weekdays and 7pm - 2am CST on Weekends.

I didn’t get too far into mythic raiding this expansion, but did manage to see 5 kills before I took a break. During the start of any expansion and major content patch, I usually carve out a few days to level, gear up, etc. I do it quickly and efficiently. I also take raiding very seriously and I consider myself a very skilled player, especially when it comes to mechanics. I don’t mess up a mechanic more than a couple times before I have it locked in. I will know the fights in and out and be a good sounding board for any raid leader and I would be active in any and all discussions pertaining to a raid fight and strategy.

As I can’t post links, if you search Eten - Bleeding Hollow on warcraftlogs, you will see my current ‘main’.

As it stands currently, I want to play Prot Pally in Shadowlands, but I am genuinely and seriously open to playing any spec, on any faction, on any realm. Preference would be towards tanking first, healing second, DPS third.

Those who are seriously interested and would like to have a conversation are able to reach me on Discord, at Eten#5246.

Hello Eten,

[H] Zul’jin < Two Camels in a Tiny Car > Tues / Thurs 10:30pm - 1:30 am Est
Server: Zul’Jin Faction: Horde

We are currently looking for dedicated players to join our raiding guild/team. Our guild has members that have been together for over 7 years and our goal is to build a community within the guild where our members can feel at home and have those friendships. We are a group of people that enjoy playing the game with each other and focus on the current raiding content. We have a laid-back raid environment while also making sure we are focusing on taking down bosses. We also enjoy pushing mythic+ keys and want to include everyone that comes into our guild, regardless of what the content is.

Our current plan is to get everyone their AoTC, most of us have our AoTC achievement but there are a few returning raiders that do not. We plan on being a Heroic / Mythic raiding guild with the understanding that not everyone will want to move on to Mythic raiding and that’s okay we want you to play YOUR game in this guild.

Raid Times are set for Tuesday and Thursday ( 12/12 H , 2/ 12 M )
-7:30 PM - 10:30 PM PST
-9:30 PM - 12:30 AM CST
-10:30 PM - 1:30 AM EST


  • Currently looking for 1 dps for our Core Mythic Team.
  • All players are welcome, whether experienced or just willing to learn and push their character
  • We are also asking for the more casual raider or player that might not have the time to devote to a raid team but would like to step in if needed and get a few bosses down and see the raiding content. We welcome the mythic + raider that enjoys that part of the game , we run two teams right now but we can do more. PvP as well and why not lets throw it all in, we need you PvP players as much as we need the PvE players.
    If you are interested in our guild please contact us either by Btag or Discord



We look forward to talking

Still looking!

Request sent on discord. Have a look and see what you think :slight_smile:

Looks like you might be the perfect person we aim to recruit.

Just dropping this here as a father with two kids my self I get it man we do 1 day a week in the morning cuz with life’s that’s all we got check it out