with shadowlands on the Horizon and also looking to be a really fun expansion, i’ve decided to return to wow after a brief hiatus, i plan on Playing Affliction lock with my only restriction being Alliance.i will start a new character on whatever server the guild needs s (with wow tokens and pre-patch time my fresh toon will be ready in 2-3 days) Im currently looking for a raid team that is tackling Heroic Raiding content, i don’t mind running mythic raid content again but im more focused on having fun with a group. i have 10+ years raiding experience as well as classic xp as well, i have achieved 2400 and 2200 in multiple seasons and plan to pvp alot throughout shadowlands as well. Raid times will never be a problem and im ok with raiding 3+ days a week if the guild seems like a good fit. Please feel free to message me in discord if you want to know more or would like to ask any questions! i promise i’m alot more fun in game
#Banfi9679 - Discord
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Hey Dandyzula! Sent ya a friend request! Looking forward to talking with you!

Fireforged is an adult Heroic Raid Team on Proudmoore (US) that is preparing for Shadowlands, and is looking to add some great new additions to our home. We are interested in meeting new friendly people who want to join us in raids and M+. Our environment is friendly, chill, and also earnest towards downing content. Our goal is to ever grow as a team, so we expect our raiders to know their role and class, keep up with their gear, keep up with class changes, and to have a good team attitude.
*We choose to remain a Heroic Raid Team and do not have plans for Mythic Raiding in the near future.
Schedule: Friday &; Saturday 7:30pm-10:00pm PST (10:30PM-1:00AM EST)
*Optional Normal Night: Wed 7:30pm-9:30pm Normal Raid
**Monthly Off-Week: We take one week off from raiding per month. Though our Off Weeks slow our progression, we feel that it is a nice trade-off to have a free weekend for other things every month and also to preserve enthusiasm for the game.
We are looking for active and social players that don’t just log on just for raid nights. We want players that are looking for a place to call home, and be socialzing active in the guild and discord. We have alot of members that enjoy running M+, and its a good way to build relationships and get to know each other better.
Contact Us!
Bnet: Alex#117188
Guild Discord: https://discord.gg/C9gFeWs
Thank you for your time reading this, and hope to see you joining us soon!