Vet RPer LF active RP guild

Been gone for quite a few years and just came back. I’m looking for an RP guild to call home. I’ve struggled to find any that are active and I’ve mostly come across inactive or dead guilds in my search. Hoping to find one through the forums.

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We just had a big gathering of Horde guilds recruiting last Sunday. There’ll be another one next month but in the meantime, I’d recommend joining our Discord.

Is there anything you’re looking for specifically in your RP or in a guild? That’d help with making more specific suggestions.

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Ah just missed it then. Thanks for your reply and the info. I’ll check out your channel when I can.
I’m not looking for anything particular story-wise. I can fit my character in just about anywhere.
I’d like to find a Med/Heavy RP guild that has a storyline and atleast one event a week. One that also realizes that I have a RL. Some light PVE/PVP would be nice as well, but not necessary.
I’d appreciate any help you could give me.


If you want a way to network with a few of the more currently prominent rp guilds on the server I’d suggest checking out the Y35 epilogue story to last year’s Year of the Scourge events, they’re good people and the story is open for anyone to jump into. The Year of the Scourge was a year-long campaign that ended in December that brought a bunch of guilds and roleplayers together to basically extend the pre-patch story a full year instead of two weeks. Now the aftermath of that is being explored, and trust me, there’s a lot yet to be explored!


The Sunreavers, an all blood elf guild, followers of Kirin Tor Archmage Aethas Sunreaver, are always looking to recruit those who want to me active! Friendly, drama free guild with an inclusive and welcoming environment.

Look us up! Link to the application to enlist available on our official thread, linked above.


That sounds awesome! Thanks and I’ll take a look at that as well