Very Rare Kudos to Blizzard - Despite some early issues, MOP Remix was awesome

I seldom have much positive to say about Blizzard as of late, but I believe it’s important to not only call out what is bad but praise what is good… and MOP Remix was an absolute home run for me.

Just gonna state some facts/personal opinions.

  • First time in 20 years that I maxed out a Mage, I was having so much fun.

  • The achievement cosmetics are such chef’s kiss. Chen’s hat, Farmer’s backpack, Chen’s Keg. Working on the Sha Illusion today. Candidly, given Blizzard’s rep, I’m amazed whoever was behind MoP Remix got clearance to put these in the game as an earnable reward rather than on the cash shop for $10 a piece. How many times do you see an awesome cosmetic on the cash shop and hear someone way: “Wow, that looks great - sad you can’t actually earn it in game.”

  • The Tinker Gems while maybe a little passive… successfully brought a sort of Diablo feel to Warcraft, where you push 1 button and about a million things start happening, fire missiles shoot, cold ball launches hellfrost down on him, mortars launch (lol) and numbers just spam over the enemy’s face… it is just quirky, stupid fun.

  • Easily the most fun 10-70 journey I’ve had, with a character that I can now take into TWW (and given how much fun I had on a Mage, surprisingly, I may just do that).

  • Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, the Bronze system is easily the best currency system Blizzard has done in recent memory. The faucets flood you with it, and there’s endless cosmetics to pick from. Rather than running random raids/dungeons/heroics chasing individual items and eventually giving up (or getting lucky), you just have fun blowing things up while questing/dungeoning/raiding and then pick out any outfits you like. No random chance, a clear tangible goal you’re working toward.

  • I have never played this much during the end time of an expansion before the X.0 prepatch. After getting AOTC in Season 3, did not think I would be coming back until TWW. You convinced me to come back and I am very happy I did.

Just one idiots opinion, but well done Blizz. Seriously well done.

EDIT: Just remembered one other thing … whoever had the idea for Chen’s hat to be two cosmetic items, one for a head slot, another for a back slot, to properly reflect how Chen sometimes slides his hat back when he’s not in conflict… and allow players the choice of how they want to wear it… deserves a massive shoutout. That tiny, attention to detail instantly reminded me of old school Blizzard passion levels. Whoever was doing this loved what they were doing. Such a small thing that impressed the hell out of me.


It was fun for leveling alts quickly. And getting the handful of MOP transmogs that don’t completely blow.

Kinda wish we could check out characters from Remix early though if we’re essentially done with it and would like to do more fun stuff with these new alts before prepatch lands.

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Still cant equip tusks as a non plate.

Remix a failure for me.

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It was a fun distraction from retail. I’ve been done for a couple weeks now, but I’m thinking about leveling something else just to add to the mog farming army.

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I’ve been having a tremendous time with it. Easily the most fun way they’ve ever had for leveling alts. I’ve been creating more just for the pleasure of it. Makes me think they should rethink heirlooms again and use them to give us a similarly speedy way of leveling all the time.


Remix is a ton of fun. I love that I can eventually log in and play with one hand and still be productive lol.

Only regret with it is they can only do this type of event so many times I think. Although if they do wotlk, legion, and cata/wod at the end of the next 3 xpacs and sprinkle in another 1-2 other neat sub games I’d be content tbh. That’s 6+ years of pretty solid content coming down the pipe.


Pretty sure it’s slower than levelling in retail.

I feel like it’s setting the bar pretty low as for what passes as “content” as it’s legitimately just mop questing with some powerups, not some new thing like plunderstorm was.

We aren’t using mop talents. They didn’t bring back the legendary questline.

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For real-real? 2.5 hours for start-to-70 in retail?

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It is absolutely, 100%, in no way whatsoever slower than retail.


I had fun with it and got everything I wanted out of it. Last thing I would want Blizzard to change is to add the Remix-exclusive weapon colors to arsenals and sold for Bronze like the armor sets, but I don’t need any of the weapons for any of my planned transmogrification sets.

You can level from one to seventy in less than four hours in Dragonflight?


I found it so boring I struggled to get to max level. I regret having done it at all.

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How do you level to max in 4 hours?

Dungeons to 25, don’t loot xp tokens, run raids without looting xp tokens until your cloak has 500% xp bonus, get them all from the mail at once, hit 70 in like 2 hours /played

I got a mage from 38 to 70 in about five seconds, and I’m sure it could be done earlier with better planning.


I have honestly had a lot of fun in Remix. I had a few reservations when it was announced. But I had a blast once it released.

Start by turning off Auto Loot and don’t loot any Bonus Experience tokens. Spam run Heroic dungeons until you reach levels 25, 35, and 40 where you will clear the raid that opens up (Mogu’shan Vaults at level 25, Heart of Fear at 35, and Terrace of the Endless Spring at 40) on Normal. Afterwards, loot all the passed up Bonus Experience tokens that were mailed to you and reach level seventy. Average time taken: four hours. People have said they got it down to two hours with the help of a friend carrying them through the dungeons.

I’ve been having so much fun with Remix. I’ve levelled about 5-6 alts so far and I plan on doing 5-6 more because I decided I wanted a max level dwarf (Ironforge or Dark Irons) of every class they can play. It’s so quick and fun to level this way. I’m also extremely happy with all of the cosmetics, and the chance to buy older rare items. I hope more remixed expansions happen in the future, if they’re all as high quality as MoP Remix I’ll be thrilled.

do you need to join a premade for normal? Can I LFR for that?

LFR awards way less bonus XP, so you’d want to use the group finder. Starting your own group is typically faster in my experience.

I ran the weekly Mythics quest last night and I have determined that I can’t Retail any more after Remix.

I’m soooooooo sloooooowwwww