Hello, i’m come here from EU forums to increase awareness of really important matter:
Why do gnomes have 4 fingers on theirs palm and 5 on their feet?
Most importantly: When gnome character dies and resurrect - skeleton have 5 fingers on the both palm and feet.
Is that some finger conspiracy going on?
Also, to fuel this finger conspiracy: While worgen transforms from human form (5 fingers on the palm) to worgen form (4 finger/claws) they losing one finger! Where does this finger disappear to?
I also realize that THEY want you to keep quiet about this, but WE WANT ANSWERS!
Look at your gnome fingers and realize one finger is thicker than the rest
Thats the one that shows 2 finger bones, its out strongest finger used for when things need a strong finger job
Because they’re abominations
See above
That’s for their sins against the universe.
Listen, toots, i am investigating this conspiracy long time.
Many experts is also suggested this theory, but eventually we come to conclusion that skeletal bone structure of non-thumb fingers is similar and there is no real indication of “merged” finger. This theory is also not quite fitting with 5 finger-palm on gnomish skeleton.
Fingers are looks normal and defect-free.
Simple answer…the people who did your model weren’t paying attention. Same question could be asked for why worgen got three toes yet leave paw prints with four digits or why the four toed Dracthyr leave chicken footprints behind.
Don’t get me started on your ancestor’s heel-finger situation, mutated troll.
Don’t be mean to proto-elves just because you’re envious of elves’ fingers.
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I appreciate your contribution to solving this conspiracy!
I am not worgen or dracthyr expert, so i didn’t knew that they involved in this that deep!
The more we know - the less THEY can hide the truth from us!
This is true, that why i want to FIND ANSWERS!