Very Funny

Have to admit this feller from Illidan had a pretty good joke. Made like he was to trade an item to me, put it in the can’t trade slot, then disenchanted it. I mean this was some Amy Schumer or Pete Davidson level of funny here.

I think that’s rude but it’s probably best to just forget about them. They don’t seem like someone worth your energy.

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Maybe he didn’t know what he was doing? Idk, seems like a stupid thing to intentionally do.

alternatively, you can write down their name, track their alts, record their every move, break their moves down into patterns, timestamp the patterns, predict every second of their online existence and one day when they least expect you… there you are, ready for revenge.

My guess is a good 20%+ of the current WoW population is like that guy. Or am i being too kind.

Could be worse.

I’ve been in a pug group where an item dropped, someone rolled need and won it, than tried to auction it off to other people for 100k because they were already wearing a 447 item for that slot.

After no one was particularly pleased with the behavior they ditched the group.

Also let’s not forget the funny people that save their cooldowns to kill members of the raid on Echo and waste everyone’s time.


That’s awfully detailed :thinking:

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thats called stalking.


DarkAlliance64 will pay! One day… no one beats my pinball record and laughs at me. no one!!

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