Very Extended Maintenance

Yes I remember that, from what you said was it was “maintenance for 6 days” implying it was down for 6 days straight which isn’t true. I asked for reference to 6 days because I did google it and there are no articles about it etc. As I said I remember them pulling servers down and restarting quite a lot then but I know it wasn’t down for as long as you are claiming.

they already did, its kinda tapped. lol

Yes but imagine the amount of people that don’t read simple instructions or outright ignore warnings on the launcher or in-game. I work in IT and it astounds me on a daily basis just how incompetent people are.


All will be forgiven if you revert powershifting to its former glory.


It’s cool Kaivax thank you for the transparency.

:+1: Appreciate the heads up!

You can make it up to us by giving us an XP buff until launch. 100% sounds good to me! Throw in an honor and mark buff as well if you’re feeling generous.

Let everyone get ready for TBC whether they played classic or not (and without having to pay you for a boost).

feel u on this but i hope we get atleast an extra day of play just to enjoy what they worked hard on

Imagine if you had guild banks that you could use instead of mail servers

Many of us predicted they would run issues with this, but Blizz didn’t say mailboxes must be empty, ect.

it boggles my mind how a company this rich misses something like this, when many of us have been asking what would happen to our mail.


Agreed. Please be nice to Kaivax, they are just a CM and have no control over the process.


Aww. Well, it takes however long it takes. Please keep with the updates as possible. :slight_smile: The Draenei/Belf starting zone racers will hold (if impatiently).

Yes. If it wasn’t obvious, the June 1 release date is for the express purpose of padding Q2 (which ends June 30).


this is why i always clear my mail before big patches.

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When you copy a charecter on the beta there is a chance it messes up, and you are one person, not millions.

Yeah because they prefarmed up badges on twinks yo. Gotta get them their free weapons!

Glinda and I thank you for the prompt response.

I appreciate being informed as to what the issue is, but is there any indication on when the issue will be resolved? Can we expect servers to be back up at the current expected 10pm EDT?

Become a Major stockholder and make something happen.

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Totally understand, but honestly it is a little embarrassing. I mean how long have you guys been at this and how much money have you made? I damn sure wouldn’t trust an artificial heart if you sold one.