Very Extended Maintenance

The servers were unstable for 1-2 days then taken down for a minimum of 3 days. The servers were literally unusable for the first 2 days. Lag, people teleporting around. Outland was constantly crashing. Literally a bunch of other people in this very thread are talking about it. I’m not going to Google it for you, just take our word for it.

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Thanks for update.

btw, if there is some extra gold in my mail, I won’t complain :stuck_out_tongue:

I be tryin to tell this to my mom when she ask why i didnt do something.


I wish I could like this post twice.

I thought I remembered one. I think it was patch 3.2. I remember getting a day credit for that.

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To be fair, databases have absolute and realistic limit on the amount of data that can be moved at one time.

I would posit, however, that this could have been at least mitigated by having the character split prepared for weeks ago. If we would have been allowed to announce which characters were doing what then, the snapshot cutoff date could have been set for (say) a week prior and then they would have had ample time to migrate data and deal with problems that are inherent in such an undertaking.

Not in any way saying this is the fault of the people doing the work on the ground: this entirely rests with the people who manage these projects.


sounds like when the Auction houses got switched off mail should have as well…


It’s embarrassing when people have absolutely no grasp on data management and what is required especially at this grandiose of a scale.


While i agree with this post… Giving us fresh TBC servers wouldnt have this scale of issues…just sayin


I saw this mail issue coming weeks ago, how come a billion dollar company did not?


Aight, well thanks for the update.

This is ridiculous. I checked my PO box this afternoon and all my mail was there. If the USPS can keep track of my mail during this update why can’t Blizzard?

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Not sure how you read my post in your head, but i can assure you I’m calm.

appreciate the reply and understand the issues, is there anyway we will be comped for almost an entire day of no game play? just wondering no hard feelings but that be kinda awesome!

They knocked off something like 8 months from the original classic timeline, then bam, 2wks + 2wks…Guaranteed a beancounter decision and not from devs.


At least they didn’t blame covid like every other company this year

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Thank you for the update!!

The worst part is that we will still have to deal with players griefing the new starting zones by killing the NPCs

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man its just constantly issues created by their own need to either release to screw someone else over or try and push some more MTX sales. Imagine if they tried to start this copy process you know when they announced the date or something insane like that. Or give more people time to level and sort out the issues in a timely manner instead of crunching. New low blizzard.

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to the People were using the mail servers for item storage… thanks!