My name is Ick. I have been playing since classic on and off. Ex raid leader of a mythic raiding guild.
As the title suggests. I am looking for a daytime raiding guild. I currently play mostly during the day for my own prog, and at night I tend to play more with my wife. Wife would be coming as well, but would not be focused on raiding.
This xpac I raided CN with 10/10H and 5/10M. Unfortunately had to step away from raiding due to some health issues this tier. But looking to return.
My experience consists of:
Classic: Tanking/Warrior- Everything up to Twins in AQ40, where my guild fell apart.
TBC: Tanking/Warrior-Everything up to Brutallus, where my guild fell apart, again.
WotLK: Raid Lead/Tanking/Warrior- Completed all raid content and pushed for server first on silvermoon Yogg.
Cata:Took Cata off from structured raiding and focused primarily on alts
Mists: Raid Lead/DPS/Warrior-Completed Mythic Challenger set as well all raid content. Not all completed as mythic, but completed Siege fully on mythic.
WoD: Raid Lead/DPS/Warrior- Completed Mythic Challenger set as well as all raid content. Got up to Mannoroth Mythic completed.
Legion: DPS/Warrior- Was in college. Only played Tomb, and made it to Maiden on mythic.
BFA: DPS/Warrior- Married, job, life. Completed 8/8 Heroic EP, 12/12 Heroic NYA, 5/12 Mythic NYA.
If you would like more information about my prior experience, please add me on battle.net. My Real ID is Ick#1454