Versiphone's Vesper of Reflection unavailable

I got a Mystic Anima Spherule for a reward upon completing my Covenant quest for Kyrian and when I try to trade in the token for Versiphone’s Vesper of Reflection the weapon shows as unavailable because I do not meet the requirements. Yet, right next to the weapon it shows that a Mystic Anima Spherule is the required token for trade. Is anyone else having issues? I tried to make a ticket and Blizzard has made it pretty much near impossible to create one, so I am stuck.

I am having the same problem with Night Fae.

The error was my own. The description says for what item level the token can be used. I did not pay close attention. The only part that was confusing that is on Blizzard is that they gave the same name to tokens that have different ilvls. But everything else is on me…