Verdict on 2H vs DW

After trying out both 2H and DW, I would like to give my opinion on this controversial topic.

I absolutely loved the feeling of wielding a massive 2H weapon and hitting devastating Obliterate crits.

In comparison, relying on BoS to deal damage with puny Obliterate hits felt and seemed so underwhelming.

I know some people would disagree with me on this one but the focus on Obliterate is what appeals to me the most about Frost DKs and I think Devs should build upon that in The War Within.


They spent 2 expansions building upon Obliterate, no more.

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You can like it or not but there is a considerable amount of players who also enjoys this 2H Obliterate focused gameplay. I think it fits the juggernaut theme of Frost DKs very well.


Name them, because all I see are complaints that the rest of the kit is bad.

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Play what you want. Breath of Sind with DW or Oblit and 2H.

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If they can find another way to implement cleave I would be very happy with the spec. Having to stand in DnD makes for miserable gameplay. Playing ret for the most part for anything this season. Ranged melee, hardly any set up. The difference is night and day. Imagine if oblit or frost strike dropped a DnD free of charge every 10sec. Sheer quality of life, chefs kiss!

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The version of Frost that’s specifically about big Obliterates “feels” better when you get a big Obliterate compared to getting a big Obliterate in the version that isn’t about big Obliterates?

Color me shocked.

If both talents were balanced around using the same weapons then they could open up the rest of the tree. This could lead to other abilities being useful and the spec being able to out dps a healer without a cooldown up.


No. The heavy focus on Obliterate and Killing Machine the past 2 expansions is what has been killing the spec, that and DW vs 2Hander. I understand where you are coming from, but it has been tried and is not working. They need to pull back from Obliterate, especially KM Obliterates and give more power to the rest of the kit. If all the dmg is in KM Obliterates, then what is the point of Runic power, Frost Strike, Frostscythe, Howling Blast, Frost Fever, and so on, you would only need one filler at that point. If everything else is mere .0 percentages of the dmg with Obliterate being 97%+, what is the point of the other stuff? Not just in terms of power but also feel, if you do have to press the other buttons, you want it to feel impactful, pressing anything other then Obliterate feels horrendous and a lot of that is due to so much power being put into KM Obliterates, even non killing machined Obliterates feel horrible.


Wow, so you focused on Obliterate and were dissatisfied with the version of the spec that doesn’t quite as heavily emphasize a bulk of its damage in Obliterate?

Some absolutely world-class genius logic there.


Yes. But I would be more than happy if power is pulled away from Obliterate and Killing Machine by reducing how many times we press the button instead of nerfing its damage to the ground.

Our main rune spender should be an impactful ability we use to deal big juicy hits. That is why I suggested in another thread that KM empowered Obliterates can deal Shadowfrost damage to make the ability a more of a stack generation tool for Reaper’s Mark and reduce the proc rate of KM. This would allow for a more balanced damage profile with more emphasis on Hero Talents instead of seeing all Obliterate on damage meters.

As an old school dk, I hate obliterate with every fiber of my being. Dw just feels right.


What you are asking for just wouldn’t work. And people can’t say I’m just being a contrarian now since other people are also calling it out.

If you nerf KM procs we just go back to the old complaints that Obliterate feels bad to press because its low baseline damage which is low due to KM procs.

If you nerf Frosts resource generation you increase downtime which feels awful, clunky and unfinished and really not much changes. Obliterate will still do massive damage while everything else is table scraps. You just have to make up for downtime, and people don’t like being 2 shot because someone has so much downtime that all of their abilities have to hit harder than planets colliding.

I’m leaning to the just remove Obliterate entirely and put KM back on HB and Frost Strike because clearly nothing is actually working.

Frost is just a mess and Obliterate is the root of the problem.

We will see when they start messing with BoS and trying to fill those non BoS windows with damage. They could just target BoS to reduce its uptime by massively increasing its cost, and just pack all the damage into that 30 second window that it would have done in those 2 minutes it does now. That would keep Obliteration how it is, and make BoS into burst.

That would feel just horrible to play by the way because for 1.5m BoS would literally do nothing. Can’t buff up anything else in the kit because you have to take into consideration that Obliteration exists.

This isn’t just some easy solution where everyone gets what they want. Obliterate is going to have to take a massive nerf and just become a RP builder.

I highly doubt they will remove Obliterate altogether from the game. Probably nerf it and call it a day.

Heavily nerf it, I Would even say remove Obliteration altogether and replace it with something that deals with Frost Strike / other RP spenders and just make Obliterate a generator.


I personally wish DW Obliteration was still viable, I prefer the visuals of 1H weapons but the gameplay of Obliteration. Would be nice if we could transmog 2Hs into DW 1Hs at least.

Just brainstorming here, but what if they moved Obliterate to the RP spender and made it frost damage and made frost strike to the 2 rune builder as physical? Then have KM force crit your next HB or Obliterate. They could make Obliterate hit nice and hard, but since it already did frost damage by default there wouldn’t be such a huge swing in damage.

Breath builds would use KM on HB, and all builds would likely use KM on HB in aoe. I think that could really work.

Im just tired of Obliterate really. There are many solutions. Make KM rare and make Rune Strike your main spender while KM just allows the use of Obliterate (free like HB with Rime)… but im just tired of it. Its ran its course.

Whats funny is dw obliterate does more dmg than a 2h obliterate not taking into motfw…

Please stop trying to make frost a blue ret or warrior… those do BiG hItS much better than dk does

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As an old school DK, I hate dual wield with every fiber of my being. 2H just feels right.