Venthyr Questline bug

I am unable to accept the quest “A perfect Circle” in Bastion despite the quest icon showing on the map, above the NPC Mikanikos, and under the quest log as the next quest in the campaign. When attempting to speak to Mikanikos to accept the quest, he just says one of his usual voicelines and the quest will not open where I can accept it.


I am having the same issue! please fix!


I am also having this issue. Pasting the contents of a bug report that I submitted here.

Quest Name: “A Perfect Circle”
Quest State: Not Started
Issue: NPC “Mikanikos” is bugged. Will not open dialogue.

The quest logs tells me to accept “A Perfect Circle” to continue my Venthyr campaign. I am standing in front of Mikanikos, the NPC who offers the quest. The NPC has the campaign quest offering icon over its head. The NPC will not open dialogue when I interact with it.

Supplemental Info:
After completing the previous quest (and other prerequisites from “General Draven”), the NPC said “Mikanikos says: Wonderful work, PLAYER. I will prepare our materials.” and started a roleplay sequence where he moved to strike the interactable item named “Prepared Metals” slightly to his left. I would guess he was only supposed to do this for a moment before returning to a resting state. I think the NPC is bugged in this state. When I interact with the NPC, his hammer striking animation resets and he gives a voice line but no dialogue panel appears.

Resolution attempts:
Disabled addons. Restarted game. Uninstalled game. Reinstalled game. Hearthed to Dalaran, portal to Orgrimmar, portal to Oribos, flightpath back to Bastion. No luck.


Issue persists after Wednesday (6/1/2022) maintenance.


Confirmed it is still an issue after 06/01/22 manitenance.


same. cannot accept quest


Also occurring on my Shaman here.
Frustrating, was hoping to get through the campaign.


Same here. I’ve been working on nothing but this campaign to unlock flying since returning to the game.


Issue for me as well. Bumping post


this absolutely must get fixed ASAP. this is 100% impeding progress for people in the Venthyr covenenant

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Same here!!! I can continue with my covenant quest!!! How annoying!

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Looks like the issue still hasn’t been fixed.

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Confirmed issue as of 5:11PM PST on Dalaran. Unable to unlock flying, fix immediately

still not working! I would really like to complete my covenant quests

Yep i’m also experiencing this bug. /Sigh

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Can’t accept quest either. Mikanikos has the quest marker but i can’t talk to him to accept the quest.

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Issue still unresolved on 06/02/22 at 9:15 EST

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For anyone else wondering, they are tracking this issue and are trying to find a workaround/resolution.

thank you for sharing!

Still an ongoing issue as of today.