Venthyr Covenant Armor Wrong Color

Okay so this has been bugging me for a while. The Venthyr armor you get from the campaign is not the color that was shown at Blizzcon. Instead we got a crappy LFR tint looking set and the actual red set (that was shown and advertised) is locked behind a vendor for thousands of anima each piece.
As you can see here the red set was shown alongside the other covenant sets yet what we got was a crappy LFR tint.
Leather probably looks the worst.

Why is it the Venthyr are the only covenant that don’t get the correct set colors? Every other covenant gets the advertised sets except them. Can we get a fix please Blizzard? Of course I doubt that.


3 of those sets aren’t the campaign sets. Only the Night Fae one is.

You can just hardly tell a difference between 2 of the Necrolord sets. Although the Unity one does look better despite that.

They just have them as covenant rewards, I don’t think they made a claim that these were specifically from the campaign with the sets chosen just to make them stand out more.

But the campaign armor tint is the best one!? The red and gold is so gaudy.


The Kyrian tint isn’t the campaign version either. I think that set’s from Path of Ascension.

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I love my black set. Got the best one from the campaign. The Reknown sense makes more sense being tied to reknown vendors. Either way we have like 4 different sets to choose from. On 4 armor classes on 4 different characters. Thats 36 sets

Back when they showed the original trailers for shadowlands the advertised Venthyr set was the red one.

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Kyrian campaign.
Kyrian ascension. (two sets)

We have 4 versions of each set. It doesn’t say a color is tied to them.

The bastion one is also not the campaign one. That was showing off the covenant armor in general nothing about it said they were the campaign sets.

Except every covenant got the color set that actually made sense. Sure the bastion one isn’t the same, but the one in-game matches the color scheme. The Venthyr one is black despite Venthyr being red and the tabard also being red/gold colored. Every covenant tabard matches their campaign set except Venthyr.

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Nor is the Kyrian set. or the Necrolord set. The only one that “matches” is the Night Fae set.


I’m fairly certain the Purple/gold Necrolord tabard doesn’t match the predominantly grey and white set.

I am glad the basic Venthyr set is a darker colored black and red.

Uh, what? The muted colors on the Campaign set are far superior to the gaudy colors on the red/gold one. The Campaign set is precisely why I picked Venthyr over Night Fae on my DK.

On a sad note, though, it being so easy to obtain has made it rather… commonplace, so I haven’t mogged any of it as of yet.

Untrue. They are all the “renown” colour sets. The ones we get from the covenant quest are the base colour, so yeah, they are meant to be "LFR variety.