Venthyr Assault

Killed the champions on the upper ramparts, and clicked the big guy to be thrown back down. Was dissonnected on the way down, and now disconnect everytime I try to log back in. Cannot play on this toon. Frostwolf server.

I’m experiencing the same thing on this toon. Mok’Nathal Server.

Same on this toon, Arthas server

This happened to an alt in the previous Venthyr assault. I think something about how the character lands triggers an anti-hacking disconnect. Of course, that’s a legitimate bug, since something an NPC does to you shouldn’t cause a disconnect.

Anyway, to retrieve the character, use the self-serve Character Stuck service. It’ll get you out of the disconnect loop. When I had to use it, it put me outside the gates of Orgrimmar (which is fine for my Horde character) and dead (because it was apparently a killing fall) but no other consequences.

Click the big “Character Stuck” button at the bottom of the page.

Same, Bleeding Hollow server.
It might not mean much, but this was just “fixed” by me dying to mobs when I logged in. So if you have any way to kill yourself, try to, it will get you out of the disconnect loop.

Can confirm unstuck worked…however it counted as me falling to my death so I spawned dead. Super cool