You don’t believe r1 skills transfer over to any other game?
Everything should be % based except pve upgrades for pvp gear. Xmorg should be top 30%, enchant should be top 3% every day it updates to where it should be. Glad / mounts tabards everything should be % based and it solves every problem that wow arena currently has.
Yeah, actually unplayable.
I think that the ability to learn or self teach does.
Sure mechanical skill does, audience doesn’t. He’s not a personality driven creator. He’s only relevant because he’s a top 0.1% player in a niche form of content.
its crazy to think out of all things to do, nerfing MMR and hard capping it was an actual solution. At this point, i’m almost certain that an unpaid intern has been selected to head the pvp team for WoW
yet both offer the same rewards now(except glad) and are similar in rating but no one is playing either. if people want to gate keep the glad mounts but let the casuals have a reason to queue shuffle.
lol actually true.
I believe he could become a top player in a different game if he wanted to.
Err. I have thought that in the past, but at some point you have to have a cut off… right?
So when is that cutoff? Do you want to wait to the end of the season for elite sets? That would be awful for participation until the last few weeks of the season. The issue is how MMR fluctuates so much during seasons. So we don’t start a season and people are saying… 2.2 'feels like 3k right now. We need to avoid that while making gains feel meaningful and rewards within grasp.
Right now, gains feel impossible and rewards are out of grasp of even the best players.
Elite sets are right there.
MMR is hard capped after people complaining about it all last season.
A weekly calculated cuttoff that defines everything up to glad that starts a few weeks in and starts at 1800/2100 similar to how it is now with mmr just seems easy to make and just fixes everything. The knob to tune how easy it is is just what % they want these rewards at.
Sure but his viewership would drop off into oblivion. Just because he’d get to the top of a competitive game doesn’t mean he could get viewers. Part of his appeal is his legacy credibility and you don’t get that status overnight, obviously.
Also gotta remember top 1% in a mog collecting raidlog simulator ain’t quite the same as top 1% in a dedicated pvp game, as that is somehow where the topic has drifted.
you know what else feels meaningless? not letting people go up in rating after inconsistent seasons of one being inflated and the other being deflated.
I will say I do not care about the rewards. But from what i’ve seen on these forums and in game, people dont want to play because they feel like its impossible to progress. they need to inflate the brackets and stop playing this game of gatekeeping the rewards.
Let people have their rewards, I want an active PvP season.
He’s right.
Venruki brought up a good point.
Making progress makes the game more fun/enjoyable. People will play more. More PvPers makes the game more fun.
Imagine if Blizzard changed Mythic 20s to Mythic 5. Nobody can clear over Mythic 6. It’s impossible. Would people still enjoy Mythic+ if they’re stuck in Mythic 5, making 0 progress?
People will just find a way to game the system. =/
I think there should be some % rewards, but they have to be at the end. Outside of that, they just need moderate MMR so it’s similar each season. That’s not impossible. Not even difficult imo.
Well, the issue with it is the lack of diversity of ability.
At 1800-1900. I’m seeing legitimate 1800-1900 players and a bunch of glads. You lose two matches and your now 1-2 brackets lower than you should be.
the PVErs would RITO!!!
Venruki brought up a good point.
Making progress makes the game more fun/enjoyable. People will play more.
He was among of the loudest advocates for nerfing MMR during S1 due to RSS inflation. That was the point of my initial post. He asked for this. Why should anyone take him seriously now that he’s asking for the opposite? He will say whatever is socially advantageous because it pays his bills.
I think there’s a middle ground to be had.
He brings up whazz because he’s #1 in EU ladder right now, and he’s barely breaking 2400.
I’m not sure what the solution is but something akin to 3k is where R1 should be, and even at the start of season thats where they can get rather quickly.
It changes absolutely nothing and lets people who want to push…well push.