Vengeful Charger's Bridle

i bought and used the vengeful charger’s bridle glyph on my divine steed spell and now when i use the spell it changes to the vengeful charger but no longer auto “charges”. i now have to manually run while divine steed is active. any fix for this or way to get rid of glyph? thanks

What do you mean? As far as I know we always have to manually run when we activate divine steed, unless we are talking about some PvP talent, in which case I wouldn’t know, haven’t PvPed in a while.

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Divine steed was never a charge, it was always just a fancier sprint.


when i hit divine steed my direhorn (z troll) just takes off. no need to hold down w or both mouse buttons…just zoom and away. can control direction of course. does this not happen for other pallys? is there a way to remove the glyth and go back to my direhorn. the appeal of divine steed was the auto charge

To remove a glyph in World of Warcraft, you can use Vanishing Powder on the spell you want to remove the glyph from:

  1. Buy Vanishing Powder from a vendor or craft it with a scribe
  2. Right-click the Vanishing Powder in your inventory
  3. Click the spell you want to remove the glyph from
  4. Confirm the removal in the window that appears

yeah i took the spell off but my direhorn isnt auto “charge” anymore. i broke it.

No, I’ve never seen that behavior. And I have one of every Paladin race with Divine Steed unlocked. Not even my Zandalari does that.

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