I might get flamed for this, “skill issue” etc. I am by no means an amazing tank, and I am very much a middle of the road player. I usually push to KSM or KSH and call it quits before doing the same on another character, but it really feels like VDH is missing something.
During Dragonflight and Shadowlands, metamorphosis, whether activated by pressing the cooldown, or demonic fel dev, felt like a really powerful cooldown. It felt like a “I am in danger and if I press this I will no longer be in danger” button.
Now, in The War Within, I do feel a little bit tankier in meta, but it doesn’t feel like the big button it used to be. I think this is a product of the tank nerfs, as well as overall increased damage, but there are so many points in dungeons where even if I use meta, or activate it with fel dev on pull, I just get squished below half health. This has only really gotten better as I have gotten higher end heroic gear, but I finished KSM long before that happened.
Now, meta just feels like a gap filler for demon spikes, or a damage cooldown for demonsurge. It doesn’t feel like an actual emergency cooldown, instead it feels like just another defensive to be layered on top of sigil, spikes, or fiery brand.
Am I the only one who feels this way? I feel like even if I pull one pack at a time, there are some packs that just squish me even with meta up. I rarely die, but it feels like the healer often has to spam heals on me for me to stay alive -even during my strongest cooldown-. The only time I actually feel powerful as a tank now is when I have both fiery brand and meta, or some other defensive stacked on top.