Veng hero trees for solo

Reaver or fel-scarred?
I have a DH using fel-scarred already and so kind of want to go with that for my alt I’m leveling also. But I’ve never tried reaver (mainly because I don’t use throw glaive much and don’t have vengeful retreat) but reading through the talents, especially the last one sound really good for some solo stuff. I’m now conflicted.

felscarred for solo tbh

I went Reaver on Veng, but I really only did it because Felscarred breaks a macro I’ve used for years and years when it alters cleave and bomb.

Adding a throw glave on the end of the macro to accommodate Reaver actually helps smooth out the timing. Makes things work better.

Though that reasoning is very particular to me, I can say I haven’t felt hampered in any content I’ve done because of it.

VDH is easily my fastest toon for soloing T8 delvs. Average 9 to 13min on delvs that take my prot war 12 to 16 min, my hunter 14 to 21 min, and my evoker 19 to 28 min…