Veng DH player looking for tight knit guild that does M+ and relaxed raids

463 VDH, returning back to the game for the first time in DF. Was a previous CE/high key player in BFA/SL but haven’t played in a long time. Just looking for a good community to join. No toxicity, just adults doing just gaming :slight_smile:

Just moved to Aus from the US, and its been a weird expansion just pugging for me. Looking forward to join a fun group!

Please message me on discord @ a.rahat

Sent you a discord request.
This is our guild post here

We are a mythic raiding team, but more importantly we have a casual heroic runs every sunday and the boys run keys constantly. if you’re looking to for a chill part of the game, could be a good spot to run some keys and casually raid. If interested my details are at the bottom of this link