Veng Animations Still Broken

Are we ever going to get a fix for this? Anytime Meta is used the animations still mess up. If its not hunt its the hearth that still doesn’t work.


I’ve noticed this, too. It’s really annoying.


+1 I thought this was fixed a while back but seems to be an issue again.


Bump…still broken

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I went into Veng spec yesterday and the moment you use meta in tank spec the animations break again. This has been an issue long enough, this needs to be fixed.


Ya havoc has same issues esp with multiple skills and on use items we move around lime a frozen brick. Our dev is a slacker.

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I was so excited to see my hearth work. And then it broke again.

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Bumping this, seems broken still.

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Bumping again!!! Still Broken!!!

bumping to keep this years old bug visible.

The dev is non existent streamers build DH right now.

Blizz doesn’t even acknowledge the class exists to fix broken non working talents or skills let alone cosmetic issues.