does anyone know of a pet or toy you can use to vendor items to. i farm a lot of raids and old content that doesn’t always allow me to mount up it would be nice to clean my bags up without having to mount or zone out. thanks.
As far as I know, the closest is Jeeves (a quasi-toy engineers can make).
( I wouldn’t mind being proven wrong and discover I’ve overlooked something )
nothing personal but i hope your wrong an hour cool down for a farm vendor isn’t very good.
Well, you could restrict your farming to instances where you can mount up on a mammoth/yak/brutosaur? (either within a run or between runs)
Not toys, but there are some pets that can. Forgive me for not remembering their names, but I have a banner-carrying orc that’ll buy things from me.
I also know that there is an Ethereal Soul-Trader that is… difficult(?) to get. I think you need the trading card game code to unlock that one, though.
(I’ll do a bit of Googlin’ to get the name of the orc I use occasionally.)
you act as if i have gold you said a brutosaur LMAO
You can get a travelers tundra mammoth for like 10k in old Dalaran. That has merchants on it.
Alas, he won’t buy items (I just double-checked)
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The banner Orc-kid is from the Argent Tourney in Icecrown, & you have to buy him & a pony for him (I don’t remember his name either)
I think this is ONE of them;
Mine isn’t a child, though.
Darn. Thought he did. Thanks for the correction!
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thank you so much i appreciate it does he have a cooldown?
I think his cooldown is something dumb, like 4 hours?
Okay. I THINK this is the one I use. Yes there is a CD.
He use to, it had very long CD too because of that. But they changed him over time because of pokemon collection.
Get the mount, the one from wolk for a vendor mount
A druid should be your farm character. You can teleport to the emerald dreamway, use your vendor mount, then teleport right back. 1 min CD.
But then that would break my 18-year streak of never having made a druid, ever.
Also, check the dates on these threads, folks.
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I didn’t necro the thread. I was replying to the people who were having the discussion. The topic is still relevant.
Exactly. Not sure why people act that way over the gap in dates. There will always be new players or players who change up how they play and have these same questions. At least you tried to help and not criticize someone for it. But theres always gotta be “that” person. Being helpful is part of what made the community so nice. Its people like that which has changed the nice to toxic…
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