Ve'nari Rep Still Locked

I finally got around to grinding rep for Ve’nari and am now Ambivalent 880/7000 and it still says the items that require Ambivalent are locked. I don’t think I reading the rep wrong because the bar says Ambivalent, and when I hover over it, it says “Ve’nari’s gaze feels Ambivalent” Is this just something that might take a while, should I put in a ticket or am I reading this wrong?

what do you mean by “locked”?

have you got enough Stygia to buy the items?

I have 6k Stygia. Every time I try to buy the item for about 1500 Stygia it says That Item is Locked. On the item description, in red it says “Requires that Ve’nari has an Ambivalent or higher opinion of you.”
EDIT: So I had logged out for 30-45 minutes to see if it helped. When I first logged in I had the same issue. I /reloaded and it works now.


She probably just didn’t feel like selling to you right then.

Being ambivalent, and all…


Have you left the maw logged out logged back in and went into the maw since you went ambivalent? It’s worked for others that ran into the same problem on the bug forums.

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Venʻari is Passive / Aggressive like that.

“Yoou reemember zat trinket i gave you? Yes zatʻs right now yuu owe me.”

Oh, you mean the trinket I had to BUY from you?

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Yeah that’s what ended up working. I went to Oribos, logged off for about 30m, when I came back it still showed the red requirement message, then I /reloaded and it worked. How did you find those? I couldn’t find anything, maybe because I was searching specifically about Ambivalent

Someone posted about it last night on GD and I think Kneeshooter found it in the bug forums so I remembered it

Awesome, well thank you for the help buddy.

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