Veil of midnight, shadow duel Remove

Blizzard wants to delete Rogue especially Sub this expansion. They give eye more visible on stealth in arena so our enemy know exactly where we are. They nerf our CC nerf our heal nerf our vanish make us cant proper escape mid fight. They remove our veil of midnight once we get full bleed we die with full cd up because our heal dont matter. They removed our CDR without compensate any defensive buff ( a feint off gcd?)and now they remove the 2 main Sub pvp talent. They just want this game to become zugzug where everybody just play simple class like Pally and Warrior. Every time there is new patch, there is new nerf. Next time they might nerf our cheap shot to have 10s cd. Who know? Time to reroll your class Fellas. Why play a class keep getting nerf every patch. Your most popular rogue Pika don’t even play retail anymore because rogue seem dead atm. They dont bother rework our class. Only add 1 new pvp talent and removed 2. This is the last nail on the coffin for Sub since they removed CDR not long ago. I know there wont be much comment on this because most main rogue already swap to different class with more simple rotation and less set up but get the same reward. And I bet our rogue Dev dont care to read our forum at all.


The salt is real and I’m so here for it


And I havent mention about other class get defensive buff this expac make them way harder to kill then last expac. Hunter double survival of fittest , shield. Shaman bulwark totem, insane healing. Warrior second wind. Feral basically dont die with 30% dmg reduction barkskin useable in stun. Mage cant even catch them. Pally with 20s forbearance, bubble while forbearance. WW hit like truck and cant CC his burst even you blind him. The list goes on but what did we get beside our vanish nerf and CC nerf? “A feint off GCD”. I usually dont want to complain on forum. But if I dont say it, nobody does Or Nobody care. They just quit.


I have to agree.

They are piling in more into Feint which feels bad to be honest. Now it makes Feint talent Elusiveness a must have for PVP to work in tandem with the new Feint PVP talent.

Cheat Death is not going to see a lot of play.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Wow that hurt…


pika was never good


Ya, if they remove Veil there is a good chance I will stop playing.

Make a class that relies on stealth then make it so they cant go in stealth.

wtf are they thinking?


It’s brutal. Combined with an earlier nerf to dance heal rogue will be a snack to even semi-afk players.

Hey at least we have two PvP talent slots freed up!


Taking away tools from experienced Rogues isn’t going to make the noob experience better.

All that is going to happen now is Rogues will go smoke bomb and dismantle to make the noob experience “better”.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I feel like a lot of wow pvp balance of Rogues are done to limit the power of top level Rogues but never really do. Instead it just guts the middle.


Veil and Duel being removed just gets rid of bad rogues lol. Rogues having double vanish, evasion, cloak, feint, cheat death, double step, duel, bomb, and the ability to cc the entire team every go because of playing for restealths the entire game with 7sec subterfuge… and they still complain when they lose something. Unreal.

All you’ve explained about is you dont really know how rogues work.

Same can be said about every other class with all their offensives, defensives, and CC.

The 2 talents removed have become quite a staple

also subterfuge is 6 seconds.

Bet you would cry like no tomorrow if they removed one of your blinks (hopefully in the works)


“Cheat Death, feint”

Tell me you don’t know Rogue with out telling me you don’t know Rogues.


I really wouldn’t care if they did because mage toolkit would still be bloated lol.

You’re always stanning for rogues and yet you can’t post on your main account lol. I wonder why that is. Maybe cause you don’t have any sort of experience to back up what you talk about? :man_shrugging:t3:

Feint reduces aoe taken without the talent, there’s a lot of aoe in the game lmao. I know exactly how the game works

Veil of Midnight is removed and Shadow Duel removed in 11.1, soo… they are clearly telling rogues to roll a feral druid.

Welcome to extinction zone, just like Ele Shammies when they took out lasso on BfA or Survival 'tween draenor and shadowlands, won’t be hearing from y’all until they wake up.


Guy’s just butt hurt that outlaw rogues are one of the few classes that really make mages have to put in some effort.


I 100% Agree with you… and NOW they are making sub a more “consistent” spec. It wsd MEANT TO BE A BURST SPEC!.. its so annoying… blizz cant wake up… pvp has declined since WoD…


Spot on. Consistent damage does not solve any problem Sub has. Sub needs burst to have any chance at killing anything. Healers make “consistent damage” worthless. One button and every skill you spent for the last 3 minutes is a waste.

I’m not a game designer but I think they should be required to play PVP as sub before they make these changes to understand their game.

Sub has to be perfect, there is NO room for any error. Every other class can afk, spam buttons and win. A Sub Rogue has to be flawless, it is incredibly punishing and every nerf is spitting in our face.

They have ignored the stealth breaking bugs for a decade, given our tool kit to every other class. It’s really disheartening to main a rogue.

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