Veil of Midnight in 10.2.7

For the love of god please keep the 100% dodge in this talent, atleast for Assassination.

The already worst rogue spec is struggling heavily with survive cds, having everything on long 2 min. cd without any cdr, you’re only killing the assa spec with this change.

Not to mention all other pvp talents except smoke and disarm are utter garbage since legion…


Sucks for Assassination. At least Sub and Outlaw have shorter duration vanishes. Sub and Outlaw also have better mobility.

Assassination plays like WotLK Mut which is funny as all other specs in the game moved on from that design paradigm.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


Assa design is going backwards unfortunately…


It’s already live. Blizzard lied, it went live with season 4. Check the pvp talent, no longer has evasion attached on live game.

Speaking of talents,nThey even intentionally destroyed the maneuverability pvp talent to make sure we only use 3-4 pvp talents. Why give classes so many pvp talent options when it’s always ONLY 3-4 that are any useful at any given time lol for any class


The new Maneuverability talent only works with Outlaw due to CDR of Sprint and if you have that buff from Evokers that reduces the base CD further and puts Sprint under 30s.

But it isn’t that good given that it does not protect from snares and it does not break roots.

Basically another dead talent.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


ugh why we nerfing rogues? Sub already has fallen off hard…

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I just love how they give all classes tons of survivability on short cds, while leaving assa rogues behind with 3 cds on 2 minutes, and only spec with dispellable 2 min burst ingame.

Such a pathetic joke design…


I think it is worse on PVE side because more CDR happens in PVE and this is where Sub and Outlaw blow Assassination of the water.

We are talking about sub 45s CD on Vanish to use in rotations, Double charge Feint? Outlaw due to PVE can do Feint back to back to back.

Assassination is in a bad spot for PVE and PVP in terms of survivability and the damage isn’t there PVE either.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


True, I did both Awakened raids and ST on Assa is worse than its ever have been in history.


yeah its crazy man shoulda made it an assa only pvp talent. sub/outlaw are already tanky

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Assassination is garbage anyways. Literally all of its damage is just padded garrote damage. Sub is trash right now as well and has worse mobility than outlaw. The only benefit of sub is shadowy duel, which tbh who cares

Outlaw has hook, shadow step, shadow dance, take your cut (10% haste for you and allys) more gos, cd reduction, cleave, vanish + shadow dance heal

People only play assassination because they don’t want to learn sub or outlaw, however with all of the balance changes sub gos can easily be stopped, outlaw is more flexible and lives longer and has more kill potential. Anyone talking trash on outlaw right now is just ignorant and has no clue what they’re talking about.

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I play assa cause I like the playstyle. Never been a fan of the hit and run set ups as sub or the cheesy one shots. And outlaw is rarely viable, usually when it is it’s because it’s very overturned. The current iteration of outlaw just feels like a weak aura spec, I feel like I’m playing a mini game within a mini game of a game. (Watching buff uptime within wow pvp which ppl say is a mini game of wow cause devs puts no effort into pvp)