This quest once you have looted 3 Redeemed Hatchlings, you can no longer click eggs to get Malevolent Hatchling.
I have this issue also!
I’m having the same issue. Tried abandoning the quest and starting over and the same thing happened the second time too.
same problem here. 3/3 redeemed hatchlings, stuck at 2/3 malevolent hatchlings unable to open any more eggs.
Having this issue as well, relogging didn’t help. Abandon and tried again with no luck.
Quest is not bugged, just badly coded. The there are 2 coded eggs. One spawns the npc you kill and one spawns the one you free. You basically have to go around looking through each nest and egg spawn and see if you can click it. If you CANT click it means that egg was gunna spawn the one you already completed, if you CAN click it means the egg will spawn the one you missing.
TLDR keep looking at the eggs until you can click, badly coded quest, that is completable. Doing in a group much for quicker completion
There isn’t a single egg I can loot and I can’t finish the quest. I’m assuming someone else has to loot the eggs that are there to spawn the one I need?
Yea this quest is bugged how can we get them to resolve it quickly Ive abandoned it 3 time hoping to get 3 bad egg spawns
Same issue, can’t click the eggs after 3 Redeemed Hatchlings.
same issue here, after 3 attempts i gave up.
I thought I was losing my mind. Bug
I’m experiencing the same issue on Deviant Delight - Alliance this morning. After 3/3 Redeemed Hatchlings looted I cannot loot eggs anymore to try for Malevolent Hatlings.
Same issue occurred on Myzrael still.
Just happened to me on Remulos.
Confirmed today on Horde-Mankirk.
I have the same issue on Horde-Mankrik.
Still not working. Fix would be allow users who already “Redeemed” hatchlings to still click on eggs, that way they can get a chance for the “Malevolent” hatchlings to spawn.
Basically the fix is #NoChanges as I don’t recall this ever being an issue in TBC Original
Same issue, Horde-Mankrik, was lucky enough to have a person group who never started and he cleared the eggs which led to 2 extra spawns but then he couldn’t find any to click after, stuck at 2/3 and 3/3, most frustrating is it’s part of a damn chain that has a ton of rep.
Also confirmed this is corrected on Horde-Mankrik. I had to wait until another person came in to click one of my 3/3 eggs, and a 2/3 egg spawned in its place.
Having trouble completing this quest. The eggs only hatch the Malevolent Hatchling (100% drop rate). Haven’t seen the other mob yet. Also, you don’t get any xp from killing the hatchling mobs.