VECO IS FOR FITE - Classic Realm for old The Venture Co

Greeting, guys.

Making this thread to help the old crew of The Venture Co that are coming back to classic to meet each other.

To whoever people that played back in the day, they know how strong the community was, specially on the World PvP aspect, thanks to the RP-PvP enviroment built by guilds such as Keepers of Stromgarde, Blacktooth Grin , Hillsbrad Security, Midnight Reveries and many others.

Much too Much will be coming back for Classic and we are going to decide the new realm once Blizzard reveal them on upcoming days.

I hope to find you guys there and enjoy once again the long day world pvp.


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I was on the realm page when I made the thread. No idea why it appeared here in Classic and now I can’t delete it.

Anyway. Thank you very much for the link. I’m going to post there.

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