VDH will get severely nerfed in the next major patch

Honestly? I’m worried more about the heals nerf, but I need to see it in practice. I don’t think that the havoc version was applying to vengeance… so it’s concerning that they said it was. I’m thinking back to tanking sludgefist this week and having soul cleave do practically no healing.

Will there even be anyone left playing SL by the time classic TBC and 9.1 goes live?

I agree, nerf DH.

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I think Tuesdays change is their way to do that already. I don’t see them nerfing tanks any further after having just buffed all of the tanks defenses. This leads me to believe that they actually think tanks are too squishy, and that they shoudl be brought up to the DH standards. If they go and nerf a tank that wouldn’t really fit with their current thinking. So no, I don’t think we will see vengeance nerfs, I think we will see tanks lagging behind getting buffed. Many of you will probably take this as me hoping I don’t have to swap off of DH. I currently have 3 geared tanks and am working on a 4th, VDH is my least favorite to play. I would be happy to see other tanks be in the spot light, but I don’t think nerfing VDH is the way to do it.