Theres no way they let VDH have meta proc all of their extremeley important cooldowns from a tier set, right?
Devs already know it’s bugged.
It’s the first build, you can relax.
Blizzard’s track record for addressing tank concerns has been less than stellar lately. Zero changes for Brewmaster and Blood DK further cements that.
This isn’t a concern though, this would be fun for players.
Devs hate fun, they’ll fix this and we’ll be doomin’ in no time.
My concern is that we’ll have another season where one tank severely overperforms all the other ones, leading to a myriad of issues that affect all tanks.
Like, for example, holding threat in raid against a Prot Paladin before the damage nerfs was insanely difficult, as they were doing 10-20% more DPS than other tanks, which means they either needed to play more poorly or the other tank had to taunt frequently just to hold the boss.
Not to mention the point where M+ groups would not invite certain tanks because of perceived differences. I fear its going to be even worse now that Prot Paladin is basically getting buffed with their tier set, and VDH is becoming even stronger than Prot Paladin DPS wise. The gap between tanks will widen, rather than narrow.
i feel like that was said about double sigils too
The entire set can not go live like this… right?
Y’all worrying too much over PTR damage numbers. It doesn’t the devs have abysmal communication skills.
we have actual confirmation of dev tier going to be changed from the dev. into what we dont know
this is a concern, yall have to stop linking numbers to fun. its fun to do 8times the damage of the next tank but its not fun for anyone who dont want to be vdh or get hard locked in vdh
you know most tanks are somewhat even in dps right?
PTR week 1 is for design (what is it supposed to do, and is that fun) and bugs (does it actually do what we think it does). Once both of those are nailed down, then we get to numbers.
Maybe at the 50 percentile, but when you’re at 95,99 percentile Paladin pulls ahead by a lot. Our prot paladin usually does 1m+ dps on single target in H raid. Even with pots/100% usage of my CD’s and a 90+% correct rotation (only missing 1 or 2 casts per fight) he will outdps me by about 150-200k, which is a lot of threat.
My analyzer puts me at around 14 CPM of blackout kick out of a 15cpm theoretical maximum. Theres very little room for me to improve besides greeding out extra casts.
Frankly I wish all the tank tiers worked like that. Getting a huge proc of an important CD that gives you a bunch of things to do sounds awesome.
As it stands, VDH will likely go back to being boring like all the others (sans maybe Prot Pally, that looks awesome)
The Brewmaster fort brew, if you take all the talents, is quite good too.
Ironshell Brew, Fortifying Brew: Determination, and Mantra of Tenacity could combine to give you 6 seconds of:
30% Increased HP
30% Reduced Damage
15% increased stagger (roughly 7% DR)
3m Absorb Shield
with roughly 20% uptime with the 2ppm. Thats very strong in M+ and situationally strong in Raid, depending on if it procs right before a tankbuster is about to happen, meaning you can save one of your CD’s for later.
key percentiles are a meme
Right now DHs really can’t tell much expect they are horrible bugged. I mean I love being able to just chain eye beam as much as the next guy but I am sure that’s not intended. And forget about testing the new “throw glaive on DB” talent as it is bugged costing like an extra 50 fury when used.
then of course there’s Wounded Quarry. Says it makes 30% of physical damage you deal to all enemies also be dealt to your reaver’s mark target as chaos damage. In reality it only applies to autos and doesn’t convert to chaos, lol.
DH is just a mess right now
Can you post a link to the confirmation from blizz that the set is bugged and they are changing it. I haven’t been able to find an actual blue post confirming this.
there is no bluepost, but a dev has been contacted and this is t he result of said contact. there will be a bluepost confirming the change i believe soon. if not then welp blizzard will be blizzard
I think it’d be much more fitting for brew tier to proc Niuzao for 5 seconds, to show blizzard really cares.
Did you test if it procs the cocoon hero specs talent? Cause I feel like that talent is more of an “on cast” trigger whereas tier just applies the buff.
And still a nasty tradeoff of losing improved purify and waaay lower CD fortifying brew
I’m sorry but this reads like you don’t know what you are talking about? Meta for Fel-Scared VDH resets the cooldown on Fel Devastation and Sigil of Flame. Is that what you mean by “all of their extremely important cooldowns”? Is the issue here the increased uptime of Metamorphosis or the damage from Demonsurge? Keep in mind Demonsurge is getting an 8 target cap in 11.1.
“and VDH is becoming even stronger than Prot Paladin DPS wise” On live right now in m+ Protection Paladin is doing substantially more damage than VDH. I would be really surprised if this even closes the gap. But I don’t have any experience with the PTR and I’m really curious to see these numbers.