Vault will require 3/6/12 Delves in 11.1

I mean, ptr is how all sorts of shenanigans get out that blizz “forgets” to tell us about. This time it was a display bug. Next time it might not be.

Do I seriously need to remind everyone about the brutosaur debacle back in bfa? Why you think we got the new bruto to begin with?

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Good ol blizz, refusing to respect player’s time or allow anything fun.

did you miss the blizz post refuting the OP?


Since it’s been publicly confirmed to just be a display bug, leaving the OP unedited is just going to cause confusion and be a disservice to the community.

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Well, the post-release content is generally buggy and still in beta as well, so is it really that unreasonable?

Corporate greed?

I still maintain that not attempting to verify it was a deliberate change (as it’s completely absent in the dev notes, and this is the kind of thing that would appear in dev notes), and then not editing the post in any way when the truth is revealed is generally unhelpful.

Because as it stands right now, this is just spreading misinformation (since people will only read the title and OP, and not scroll down Kaivax’s comment)


So much of these threads be silly.

“That’d be bad I hope they don’t do that.”
Corpo: “Yeah that’d be bad we wouldn’t do that.”



Basically you got caught tryna increase the requirement for a segment of the folks n are backpeddling cuz of backlash.



Counterpoint: if this were intentional, it would have been in the dev notes.


Ya’ll are quite weird when you say stuff like this. Some stuff is them testing the waters and some of it will just be weird bugs or holdover from different in-house builds.

This is what makes it sound far more likely to be a bug than intentional. After all they do release their developer notes and plans for future specializations and classes regardless of whether the rhetoric behind those changes are popular or not.

With this just happening randomly on the PTR, that makes it sound like it is just a bug or some unintentional weirdness happening.

I don’t really understand why Blizzard doesn’t just correct the information in these kinds of threads and then lock them with the Blizzard post as the last post.

You still see dummies piling in confused.


Not talking about Blizz at all for my part, just about how many people fling themselves to the defense of anything attributed to a business instead of weighing the topic. Turned out to be nothing in this case, which is good.

It still wouldn’t have been good if it happened, and people rushing to defend it just because they think it’s got the Blizz stamp is silly. But I don’t think Blizz pivoted on a dime, an old UI displaying some pre-launch values is more logical.

Yep, they really should.

Just have a mod come in and edit the OP to stop the misinformation from spreading, since the OP doesn’t appear to want to do that.

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The fact you’re acting like Great Vault values getting changed in a linear fashion from 2-4-8 to 3-6-12 by accident is a bug is hilarious.

If it was, say, 2-4-12, or even 4-6-12, sure, bug.

3-6-12 was 100% intended. Even if it was just them brainstorming and changed it, then had a meeting and decided not to, and forgot to change it, that’s not a bug. That was still an intentional change, and feedback is important for that.

Blizzard can say it was never planned, but it was pushed to the PTR on multiple builds and only “fixed” when they got backlash over it.


Yep and reported.

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Just shows that I know how databases work (and you evidently don’t).

Very easily to accidentally multiply everything on the wrong row by 1.5.

But why don’t you change the OP so that it stops spreading misinformation?

UPDATE TABLE SET column = column*1.5 WHERE row = "unintended_value_here"
above code would multiply all values in a given row by 1.5.


That’s good. It’s a chore to do 8 as it is.

The thing is that there is a logic to it though, even if I don’t think it is a particularly good one and as it turns out … there wasn’t any desire to change it. But they have looked at Delves before and they were too rewarding for how they were rewarding players with the particular type of gear that then made players go into M+ with weird expectations.

Again, there is a logic that this could have been part of that… but in all honesty just no. Which is honestly why it is more interesting when you get people who go all conspiratorial about how it must have been intended or stuff like that, at least far more than folks simply stating that there is potentially a logic to it that they were going for.

Heck I said it as much just yesterday, even if I also clarified that I also wanted to see what they were going to do if anything prior, during, or after its been implemented. As it turns out, nothing was happening. But that’s why I think it is more interesting to look at the number of people who are convinced that there’s some great conspiracy surrounding it or whatever else, kinda like what Maizou and others are known for.

It’s a weekly quest to fill your vault and the time it takes to solo delves vs the time it takes to LFG and do M+ or raid are much longer. This change is pretty reasonable to me IMO.