Vault will require 3/6/12 Delves in 11.1

If I can dish it then I can take is my outlook on it. So we usually spend a few posts going back and forth and then get to the meat if there even is meat to be found.

Those arent insults. Thats stating very obvious facts.

I agree, I am a fatkid at heart so there is ALWAYS meat :slight_smile:

ill knock it off to the window. and to the wall.

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til the sweat drops down—

Damn that was close.

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MAN I was trying to link a soccer ball image lol


I don’t do Delves, and that’s a bad change.

Doing 10 dungeons a week in Shadowlands was absolutely MISERABLE on your time, and the nerf to 8 was incredibly welcome. It’s so quick to hit a drop wall (especially in this expansion), and rely purely on the vault for upgrades.

Do not force people to do content they don’t want to as a weekly upkeep, especially when it’s the same content day in and day out for months. It’s how you ruin the perception and enthusiasm for ‘new’ content of each patch/expansion.

Its not a change it was a bug on the PTR and has already been fixed.

But GD would never jump the gun and create an entire baseless thread based no real facts whatsoever other than a buggy PTR patch right? No! Never! :roll_eyes:

Blame the OP for doing it and yourself for listening


Why would they? delves are solo content you can do any time, you can do 2 a day and still be fine before reset…


We’d like to make it very clear that we’ve never planned to change the Vault requirements for Delves in Season 2. They will unlock with 2/4/8 Delve completions.

We intend to keep the Season 2 Vault requirements the same as they were in Season 1, for all content types.

Thank you for the feedback!


Aight, so it was just a visual bug or erroneous implementation.
Thank goodness.


It’s telling that whenever there’s something like that on the PTR people automatically jump to assuming malice, rather then pre-release content is buggy.


Excellent update, thanks Kaivax. Good to know.


Not necessarily. Another consideration would be that this will make delves less appealing compared with mythic+.

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The actual logic here is that it was just a PTR display bug, nothing’s actually changing, and a bunch of people decided to cry about it.


GD’s gonna GD.

What else is new.


Yeah, the more productive way to approach this would have been to post this in the PTR forums as a question, asking if this is intended.

Jumping directly to GD and framing it as an obviously intentional change designed specifically to screw over you is how you earn a reputation as an unreliable narrator.


Phew! Thank you!

They saw the feedback and thought better of it.

Good job GD!



It’s telling that you see people give ptr feedback, blizzard respond to said feedback and go “jumping to malice” instead of “Oh hey blizzard listened to the feedback”

Then in other threads i know you personally have went “why have the ptr if they never listen to feedback?”